Discussions at Wuppbreak summary (Sept 2016)

Discussions at Wuppbreak summary (Sept 2016)

Background: Many people interested in travelling/touring as yunity or foodsharing international were at the Wuppbreak in Munich. This evidently led to interesting discussions on the topic.

Aim: this is a summary of  all the statements. I didn't get them all in time so please add them at the bottom. The aim is to recognise each others perspectives and conclude the wuppbreak talks.

What happened?

The following is based on what most people have described in their statements. Initial meeting was a dragon dreaming style meeting - to come up with a common vision for touring. This meeting was not seen as a success and conclusions were a bit unclear. A 'planning' meeting was scheduled everyday in the morning. Some people wanted to continue planning for foodsharing tours (a project started several months ago). For the first, most who had been at the initial meeting attended. The 'planning' meetings included topics like: destinations, mediakit and the software. People who attened these meetings came out with different opinions. Some felt it made things clearer and some felt that the foodsharing tour was something they did not want to be apart of. On the third day of the scheduled 'planning' meetings a 'collaboration cafe' was scheduled, running the whole day. The aim was to discuss in depth some topics raised at the dragon dreaming. e.g. transforming hierachies, personal growth. If there were hypothetical splits in the group, this created a physical one as 'planners' did not feel so welcomed at the collaboration cafe. There was miscommunication between individuals that created tensions. There may also be other factors in this tension. In total, there was the initial meeting, three planning meetings and a collaboration cafe. 

The general opinion was that tours/travelling would be enevitable and people will naturely be with people they share the same approach with.


Some people felt the original FSINT project group closed the space for group building. Some people felt that the point of 'local need sensitivity' could not be fulfilled by FSINT tours however, the two are not mutually exclusive and taking into account the needs of local community was expressed as important for both groups. Most people agreed they understood different perspectives now. There were some conflicts that left people feeling frustrated and uncomfortable. I think everyone would agree the importance of communication and respect, especially when we disagree. A divide can always be good. However, we are yunity and we embrace challenges and diversity because we trust and love each other!  


Everyone shared a similar vision for touring/travelling: connecting people together, inspire and be inspired, spread yunity culture, spread foodsharing, personal growth, build a network, empower people to live the way they want, building communities, live moneyfree or with little money, encourage self organisation and transform hierarchies. Collection of vision notes here

Plans (add in your plans):

Most people either

  • actively don't want to follow a plan
  • don't know what their plan is
  • have a vague plan

Vague plans:

  • October: Janina is in Warsaw. Axel and Pia will travel on week beginning 26th Sept.
  • Mid-october: Anna is in Marseille. Details here to follow for potential tour location
  • Jan and Feb: Turkey? Philip?

Suggestions (add in your suggestions):

  • To have a method of communicating between groups
    • slack? forum? wiki?
  • Communication being in the form of
    • reports? chat? pictures?

Personal statements

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