Marseille (Oct/Nov 2016)
Why?: France is just next door to Germany. We have contacts. It's still summer in Marseille.
Aim: Raise awareness of the vision of yunity: through spreading the concept of unconditional sharing and creating infrastructure (e.g. by expanding the
foodsharing network). yunity-action group?!
Background: Disco soup exists already - and are pretty active. Foodsharing does not and there is interest from people. Marseille holds an interesting and diverse
population/cultural mix. There are many active young people working with collectives, projects. There are many collaborations, events in public spaces
happening in the city. There is a huge market in the city centre which throw away a lot of food everyday. There are many bakeries.
The plan: Anna is going on 27th September to Marseille. She will provide more information here about accomodation.
(Estimated date for coming: mid-october. I'm trying to find a space with a) running water and b) wifi for 10-15 people. I am pretty certain I can do this)
The following space is for you (if you are thinking of coming) to write your thoughts!
Anna O'Neill: I spent some time already in Marseille but I want to find out more with what's going on. I want to have fun, meet people, connect, bring yunity ideas there. I feel that foodsharing would work pretty well there: there is food waste and active people. I would like to find motivated people who live there and start it up with them.
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