Hello beautiful people! I just want to sum up what is going on right now in Copenhagen with foodsharing. We are doing mostly big pick ups from the big market for supermarkets and distribute it then in the north and the south of the city every Wednesday. So only with that we already saved 5 tons of food. The people who are coming are so happy and we have always nice talks. They are mostly immigrants and students and its really nice to see how they interact and have discussions about food and exchanging recipes. We also started cooking something or making jam and people sit together chop and talk. I'm working right now on setting up fair-share points at Floating City and the other place, making them beautiful and informative. Even the fridges and the material to make selves and decoration are saved from the recycling station nearby. We have cooperations with six bakeries spread all over in Copenhagen and we introduce more and more people to the shops and how it works. In Denmark there are almost only supermarket chains, so it's quite hard to get cooperations with supermarkets, but I found a turkish and arabic speaking woman who will go with me and helps me speaking with the arabic shops and translates all the info material. We have also done a workshop at a festival about food waste and foodsharing and the people were really enthusiastic. So we will repeat the same workshop really soon here in Floating City and at another cultural place. I also spoke with students who wanted to have an event about that in their uni, but now the semester is over so we have to wait until september. In July we also start to give presentations and cooking events at WeFood, a supermarket that is selling expired food every Monday. We are now a core group about 10 people, we have 30 Volunteers and ca. 900 people are member of the foodsharing Copenhagen Facebookgroup in which people also share their private food. It's so fun! And it's so easy to do it! And everybody is just so so so happy. If you have any questions just ask!
Bees and sunshine - Luisa