Meeting #9 2015-12-16

Meeting #9 2015-12-16

Present: Doug W, Manuele C, Raphael F, Philip E


No notes were taken at the time of the meeting due to technical difficulties, the following is an abridged version by Doug W the next day.

MC: Aim to have Logo and colour palatte done for Christmas, but nothing has jumped out as a ‘winner’ yet. Would rather keep the current placeholder until we’re sure of a great design, instead of choosing one and changing it soon after. Currently working on what the new website could look like and on the app mockups. Could really do with some more design muscle, and would rather someone else did the arrangements.

PE: Have done loads of networking with different people (Ecobasa, Humanthon… ). Working on letter to send to Ouishare, as the event could be very good for yunity and we have something worth sharing so may be able to get free entry. Bodhi is looking into the potential WuppHaus situation (a lot of work to go into that).

RF: Working hard on the upcoming TED talk, and will want to focus on this task firstly until the talk is given. Interested in contacting universities and professional organisations to do work pro bono for the project in the future. Newsletter needs to go out.

DW: Learning about techniques we can use to structure better ourselves (reading Swarmwise and Sociocracy 3.0 materials), will hope to bring forward proposals soon. Would benefit from content guidelines (specifically for blog post).

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