Meeting #4 2015-10-03

Meeting #4 2015-10-03

Present: Doug W (Minutes), Raphael F (Mission and Vision), Raphael W (Development), Martin S (User Needs), Sara P (Design).

Apologies: none

[Meeting begins 19:10]

RF: Legal update: Talked with Beata and her lawyer colleague. He explained various ways we can legally set up our organisation, and recommends Switzerland and that other large NGOs have set up there (e.g. Red Cross). Better than other EU countries for various reasons but the ultimate liability lies on us no matter where we are set up in the EU (we can only set up EU countries where other organisations take responsibility – not preferable). RF and Beata talked with him further about setting up in the Cayman islands to avoid such responsibility. Lawyer concerned about the outward perception of setting up in the Caymans (famous for tax-dodging, etc) but didn't have much experence with the details of setting up there. RF and Beata only talked to lawyer about food – none of the other items/things. We must produce a one-pager to send to him (and other such professionals) with a clear summary of Yunity. Beata researching other organisations similar to Yunity and how they've set up.

RF: Talked yesterday with Philip about what he's doing for Mission and Vision: He is writing a comprehensive document for the entire project.

RF: We currently have 'foodsaving.org' domain, which has obvious benefits over 'foodsharing.org'. Decision of final name tonight.

RW: Presents macroscopic software structure: 'Yunity' at head, those coming from 'FoodSharing' are redirected to 'Yunity' with a 'FoodSharing' skin. Stresses importance of accommodating for the existing FoodSharers.

RF: Current FoodSharing community are legally in charge of their current set-up – it is up to their board whether they integrate with Yunity or not.

  • RW: If we lose them [current FoodSharing users] we are nothing.

  • RF: We trust they will want to come with us because what we'll provide is better overall.

  • MS: There will likely be a resistance to any change [from current FoodSharing].

RF: No more progress on mock-ups. Working on 'Notifications and Wall posts' default behavior. Distinction between limited and unlimited events.

  • RW: It's understandable but not a pressing concern for Development.

SP: Presents more mock-ups on Justinmind, including mock-ups for various features; connections, followers, pick-up reminders [to-do list], connections request, vouchers, reliability, identity check, activity, time-line, photo/video, crowd-sourcing, feedback, ask question...

  • MS: It used to be that events 'looked' for participants, why is it now that individuals are looking for participants?

RW: A lot of decisions going on these days. Back-end team have today thrown away their efforts of the previous two days and rebuilt today – now they're back on track. Tomorrow they can start creating API so that front-end can start making API calls.

  • RF: Are back-enders OK [with their loss of work]?

  • RW: Sure, it's their job!

RW: We need to start planning the next WuppDays in Spring.

  • RF: We were thinking about January for this.

  • RW: This gives us time to polish and polish. So let's really think about any big decisions now (as changes will become increasingly costly as the project progresses).

DW: Documentation day? [Proposition at Structure meeting was to get Development groups to read each-others work and ensure sufficient minimum documentation]

  • RF: Are Development taking care of it?

  • RW: No, as it's not relevant as we haven't made enough fundamental decisions. Once we have,  we will set up proper documentation.

  • MS: Matthias says not appropriate to switch teams when checking documentation, is that the case?

  • RW: Probably, yes. Either way, not relevant until fundamental decisions made.

RF: Next meeting on Monday (take Sunday off)

  • [all agree]

RW: Matthias can take my position on some Coco meetings as he has a similarly comprehensive overview of the situation.

[Meeting ends 19:50]

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