2016-05-16 - Structure Team meeting
2016-05-16 - Structure Team meeting
Joachim Thome
Douglas Webb
Owned by Joachim Thome
Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 by Douglas Webb
Present: Doug, Fritz, Janina, Anja, Joachim, Frank
Notary/ies: Doug
Location: Kirchheim, lamp-space
Announcement NVC presentation Joachim and who? - Doug
Gathered wishes from Review meeting Proposal: structure group takes care
- Timetables for yunity:
- Wish: Have a clear framework.
- Wish: copy paste plans.
- Evening rounds
- Wish: Evening rounds regularly
- Wish: Have facilitation
- Wish: At least two times in week evening round (raphi)
- Statement/wish: One hour, not more , not mandatory
- wish: Mix up celebration and planning
- wish: balanced circles first phase intention , emotional part sa second
- Places and rooms:
- Wish: Seperate Dev room (nick)
- Wish: Choose places based on needs (Beata)
- Communication
- Wish: Lets not destroy decision.
- Time for connecting on personal level.
- Interteam communication on human level, take time (manuele)
- Wish:Time management for groups as workshop or text.
- wish/statement: Informal part is important.
- Wish/Proposal: Aproach people for sheduled meetings.
- Quizes
- Questions(google docs or something)
- Who wants to participate?
- Teamwork:
- Q: Is it good? What can we do better?
- SK: Quick syscon and management by consent
- Announcement: workshop for interested and presentation for "only users"
- Idea: Workshop for understanding (sk) and using (sk)
2016-05-15 Structure meeting agenda
DW: What do we each, personally want to do this wuppdays?
DW: Rationalize Structure team Trello use;
- 1) Combine 'To do' with 'Tasks for new people'
- 2) Go through all cards and consciously decide to leave, alter, delete, move or fragment.
- 3) Delete 'abandoned' column
- 4) Archive SysCon columns
- 5) Consider implementing a pseudo-scrum work-flow (i.e. Backlog, Sprint/walk backlog, Doing, Done)
DW: Focus on product
Doug presents wiki integration of syscon
Janina wants to take care of weekly online meeting with Fritz and Joachim > check interest of all via Quiz with Joachim
Janina , Anja, Joachim and other interested facilitators will decide on framework for evening circles
[Meeting begins: 15:10]
DW: Maily just want to connect with everyone and see what I can work with people on.
JA: Catch up and work with reflections from Rotterdam.
F : Understand what the structure is and does.
AK: Get up to speed so I can get more into Structure.
JT: Continue with structure work and towards everyone's satisfaction.
FF: Here to listen
JT: Gives quick syscon overview
DW: Want to really focus - personally - on product: how can I help it go faster?
JT: Rotterdam reflective, a lot of wishes came up. To mix celebration and planning, to copy/paste WuppDays rules/schedules/etc, to incorporate evening rounds, separate working space for devs, chose location based on needs not availability, clarifying decisions and communicating (+ rest of list)
DW: Explains DD phases to Fritz
DW: I will arrange a time-management workshop and will trap someone in this room to help me do so.
JA: Copy/paste plans - would be really helpful, even as detailed as meal times, etc. Perhaps draft all these things into a doc and and put up for SysCon?
JT: Would like to start trying a quiz to evaluate how people are doing
JA: Interested.
DW: Trello: Would like to bring it back to being just a task board.
DW: Will present how to communicate Syscons using wiki calendar at next structure meeting.
DW: Talking circles - I think we might be well to do this.
JA: Intererested, bit nervous facilitating
Sycon 1: How should we do evening circles?
A) One hour long maximum, split into groups if more than 8 participants with separate room for each group - 3 resistance, 6 enthusiasm
B) One hour long maximum, everyone that want to participate. - 3 resistance, 7 enthusiasm
C) alternate the option A and B, 2 circles for everybody and 5 smaller-group-circles per week - not voted on yet
Syscon 2: Who should decide on the evening cirle format and timing?
First proposal A) Just those who chose to facilitate (Anja, Janina and Joachim) - 0 resistance, selected because process was not completely clear and first proposal was accepted
B) We continue deciding with everyone
DW: Glad to hear what everyone has to say, excited for week
JA: Happy
FH: Happy to get back int it
AK: Happy, new faces
FO : Happy to get into group
[Meeting ends: 16:58 ]
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