2016-06-13 - Structure Team meeting
2016-06-13 - Structure Team meeting
Douglas Webb
Owned by Douglas Webb
Last updated: Jun 13, 2016
Present: Douglas Webb, Joachim Thome, Bodhi Neiser, Tais Real, Paul Free, Janina Abels
Notary/ies: Douglas Webb
- AP: Make the wiki better navigationally. Cross-linking, file-tree, naming, etc. - Joachim Thome
- AP: Switch Trello to 'Question forming' and 'Questions in process' and 'Done' and communicate - Douglas Webb
- Wish: For the SysCon bible - Joachim Thome, Janina Abels
- AP: Co-create functional SysCon slides/materials - Douglas Webb, Janina Abels
- AP: Cooking time-table - Janina Abels
- Wish: Mill task table - Yan
- Wish: Get SysCon2.0 product plan going, then find some wonderful D-Cent people to make it - Joachim Thome, Paul Free
- AP: Stand in scrum master - Janina Abels, Joachim Thome
- AP: Communicate from Rdam (SysCon workshop date, etc) - Douglas Webb
- AP: Nurture the SoS - update the documentation, re-communicate - Douglas Webb
- Questions: Who is the core team? Ideas from PyC - Janina Abels
- Questions: yunity - product and/or community? - Joachim Thome
- Wish: To have a meeting about decision making and finding can be developed and made better - Paul Free
- Wish: To develop the network map of who is interested in collaborating - Paul Free
- Question: How to organize both collectives of people and information good - Paul Free, Janina Abels, Douglas Webb
- Wish: To explore more into collective collaboration - Douglas Webb, Paul Free
[Meeting begins: 11:05]
- How do we organize structure wiki?
- Invite Martin for (to give?) SCRUM lesson (when are you back Doug?)?
- Contact D-Cent and invite?
- How do we structure the Wuppdays?(Open issues for general wuppdays orga? I see a lot of freeflow atm. Do we want to make effort to change that for the next 2 weeks?)
- Central point for collaboratively accessing SysCon teaching materials. (Doug started this: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1uhdXhqLcWkMVqQ2oyXSIEsi-77pbZb21gsVZxpx0OvU/edit?usp=sharing )
- Facilitation article created - go at it like a pack of pirahnas.
- SysCon IT management: What happened to business.konsensieren, how wiki cal pushes to Gcal pushes to Slack, the ongoing role of Trello, etc.
- SysCon2.0: Could a dev start right now programming what we want? What do we need to do to get there?
- Facilitating the Devs: Stand-in Scrum master
DW: Created a facilitation article in the wiki after experience at YES. Not perfect, a start.
DW: Scrum master ensures daily scrum happens. (A 15 minutes maximum meeting where questions 1) What was done yesterday? 2) What will I do today? 3) What stops me from doing what I want to do?) Would be good to have someone there to encourage it happens and work on the impediments that have been brought up.
JT: Structuring the structure wiki. Don't like having so many points in the main file (more than 6). I will try this in my personal space.
DW: Nice. Would point out that people have different logics. Also, if the primary concern is to find things quickly, the search function is very good (pressing '/' takes the cursor to the search bar and you can start typing - file naming is more important)
JT: We should work on a wiki navigation article (how to), cross-linking and file-tree navigation.
JT: Structuring the coming wuppdays. Do we need more?
DW: Buddy system could be nice for new people.
JA: A kitchen time-table might be good (so we don't just eat chocolate)
JA: A work-plan for mill tasks could be good, to work better with genosenschafters. I will try and do that.
JT: Concerns about teaching SysCon without training.
DW: People will get this anyway - how can we do it best right now?
JA: I would very much like to get the link to the 'SysCon bible'
JT: I will be making videos. Also seeking further validation from SysCon guys.
JT: Moving on, we need to get the software running. We can do this, nothing stopping us.
PF: Summarises D-Cent unconference. They are creating a set of federated tool running on open standards.
DW: Business.konsensieren should always be backed up with a normal konsensieren link. Wiki cal feeds to Google Cal feeds to Slack... Trello to be switch to 'Question forming', 'Question in process'.
JA: Documentation of SysCons in wiki - how?
JA: Improve SoS documentation to clear details such as number of ambassadors, what is the meeting importance, etc.
JT: I see work getting done dubble with very similar intentions when it comes to the wiki,lets synergize.
JT: The wiki is not easy accessible from my pov. Clear differentiation between directly usable tools and really useful templates (like this minute template) on the one hand and other categories like educational section.
JT: Teaching syscon is a huge difference to using syscon. If people want to teach syscon i would like to see them do it so that quality is reassured. I would not feel good to know that Doug teaches syscon in Rotterdam and i dont know what people are actually doing...might just be fear.
Experience behind that is that i tried to implement syscon several times in groups and didnt prepare properly and it was ineffective or even disaster.
Proposal: structure structure wiki into rough sections: helpful tools and templates , education , work in progress (never more than 6, comparison binary tree)...i would make a draft for that, to have it easy accessible and nice (see product). (These are good thoughts, but not minutes! You didn't say them yet ;p )
DW: Happy. Synchronization at 100 %
JT: Happy. [nods]
PF: Like synchronization. Not happy to have ideas blocked.
BN: Not so sure what it was about... I wasn't here.
JA: Nice for me to wake, shake and structure. Glad to have talked about major topics. Big ship, but waves are not high.
TR: Happy to be here.
[Meeting ends: 12:30]
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