2016-05-23 - Meeting on surveys

2016-05-23 - Meeting on surveys

Meeting on survey
reocurring to examine the contentment of yuniteers, the coherence in the workflow and to let them focus on themselves instead of what others might think
questions should be:
easy to evaluate, long-term relevance
JA: 10 questions maximum
JT: i think it could be more...
JA: how often?
JT: once a week should be doable
JA: then definitely not more than 10 questions!
intro questions to sort data after different criteria
1.1 How many months do i already participate in the yunity project?
  • (either in number of months or via given categories)
1.2 In how many WuppDays did i fully take part?
1.3 In how many WuppDays did i partly take part?
  • which?
1.4 How would i rate my personal commitment to he project?
  • low 0 0 0 0 0 high
1.5 how many hours a week do i effectively want to wupp during wuppdays?
1.6 how many hours a week do i effectively want to wupp when not at wuppdays?
1.7 do i see myself as part of the core-team?
1.8 am i content with my level of involvement in yunity?
  • i'd like to do way less
  • i'd like to do less
  • i'd like to continue the way it is
  • i'd like to do more
  • i'd like to do way more 
2.1 How content am i with overall communication in yunity?
2.2 How content am i with the transparency level in yunity?
2.3 How content am i with the transparaency in my team(s)?
2.4 How well informed do i feel about the product?
2.5 How difficult is it to get specific information regarding the product?
2.6 How much am i involved in the Product, Dev or Design Team?
3.1 How helpful did i find this survey?
  • helpful OOOOO useless
Topics for surveys
  • Transparency of yunity management
  • Trust level in yunity
  • Decision making
  • Contentedness
  • Expectations
Applicability of method:
    Where to host the survey?
    How to get IDs for Panels?

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