2015-10-07 - Structure

2015-10-07 - Structure


Points for discussion:

  • Proposed question for assessment of future work potential of current Wuppers: “Realistically, how many hours a week (on average) will you contribute to the yunity project in the next 10 weeks? Which team would you be primarily involved with?”

  • 'IT' name changed to 'Development' or 'Dev' for short, with support of Dev team. (IT has connotations of fixing computers, setting up printers, maintaining stable software, etc)

  • Proposed structure of 7 teams; communications, design, development, events, legal, structure and user-needs. This is to keep the Coco board to 7 and prevent over-structuring. 

  • Proposal to migrate all documents to relevant cloud-hosted software (e.g. GitHub for Dev, Google Drive for everyone, Justinmind for Design, Pootle for Translators, etc) in advance

  • AOB


Present: Philip B, Camille C, Doug W (minutes), Raphael F, Martin S

Apologies: None

Location: Malo

[Meeting begins 11:06] 

DW: Proposes that meeting is limited to 1 hour fatigue.

    • Everyone happy with proposal.

DW: Discusses proposed question for assessment of future work potential of current Wuppers:

“Realistically, how many hours a week (on average) will you contribute to the yunity project in the next 10 weeks? Which team would you be primarily involved with?”

    • Everyone happy with proposal.

DW: 'IT' name changed to 'Development' or 'Dev' for short, with support of Dev team. (IT has connotations of fixing computers, setting up printers, maintaining stable software, etc).

    • Everyone happy with decision.

DW: Proposed structure of 7 teams; communications, design, development, events, legal, structure and user-needs. This is to keep the Coco board to 7 and prevent over-structuring.

    • RF : Every team should be in the Coco, keeps everyone up to date.

    • CC: Are Coco meetings to be weekly [after WuppDays #1]?

    • RF: Yes, 10 weeks is not so long. A lot will be done and important to keep it together.

    • DW: Agenda before meetings allows teams to participate more fully.

    • RF: Proposed shifting ‘events’ into ‘comms’, and adding ‘PR’.

    • DW: Proposed hard limit to 7 teams to keep Coco manageable, but also that teams can make sub-groups as they see fit.

    • RF: Proposed adding team members to team list.

RF: We need to find out best day for weekly Coco meeting, ideally not Monday or Tuesday, and 19:00 - 21:00.

    • DW: Proposed that 2 hours is a hard limit for the meeting and is not exceeded.

RF: Trello can now integrate with GitHub – if Development migrate to Trello as well, then we can reduce communication channels by one. Has proposed to Dev, awaiting response.

    • Everyone happy with proposal.

DW: Neel is currently migrating material on ‘foodsharing.de’ to ‘yunity.org’.

    • RF: Server change underway also. This migration is good as it clarifies the situation [that foodsharing.de is a separate organisation to yunity.org/foodsaving.org]

    • DW: Aims to shift all to public documents to web-site as soon as possible.

    • RF: Yes, we aim to be as transparent as possible

DW: Further to web-site, it’s important to host files in an accessible way for distributed collaboration [i.e. migration to online services]. Pootle may be a suitable solution for translators - will propose to Dev and get response as soon as possible.

    • RF: There currently exists an 80 page wiki for foodsharing.de → something for translators to start on!

RF: The improvement of the one-pager led to ~ 6 different versions. This isn’t good as merging them is a big task and a lot of the effort is wasted (potentially leading to bad feeling). Incremental revisions are better, not big changes.

    • DW: How do we make collaborative document editing better in future?

    • MS: Either comment or propose small changes one master copy on Google Drive.

    • RF: Also, one head for each doc.

    • CC: One person should decide on the final draft – further commenting if necessary.

    • DW: All documents should be proof-read once before publication.

    • RF: Anna is currently the proof-reader: she will proof-read everything before being pubished to the world. We may make a proof-reading team, whereby the first person to claim a document has the last word.

CC: Are we yet sending emails to remote helper?

RF: We wait til web-site up and running for accurate comms.

RF: Foodsharing.de community suggest that the word ‘moneyless’ is migrated out of the yunity description and moved to philosophy as an aim, to reduce confusion.

    • CC: Was confused by it when I heard it first.

    • DW: Doesn’t work if we have an accounts page… claim it's a target

    • CC: ‘Moneyless’ can alienate people too, as it’s quite alternative. Although we aim for moneyless, it’s useful for otherwise unsurmountable needs.

RF: We can agree that we are always open-source, always free, always ad-free, always transparent, non-profit etc. Any organisation can always wrangle the law to their own ends, but we must prove ourselves trust-worthy. Formation of unchangeable principles. Make sure we decide on what we can now.

    • DW: Don't want to exclude us from funding in the future.

    • RF: Things get tricky when people get paid - avoid at all costs.

    • MS: Ulreike was paid to come here… that's not unconditional.

    • DW: Financially transarent + no paid positions is a good formula.

    • PB: Money is for where the relationship doesn't already exist. Using money shows we still have needs that we cannot otherwise overcome (yet).

    • MS: Whatever we decide, it should be clear.

    • RF: Ulreike was external [to yunity] and needed to come but no-one was driving… in future though, what about transport to WuppDays, etc – either everyone gets transport paid, or noone. We have to be unconditional. Preferable for people to go their own way. Let us reduce the subject of money between us as much as possible.

MS: Licensing – what if yunity is adapted for capitalistic projects. How should prepare ourselves for this eventuality?

    • RF: Let's have dev and anyone else interested come together and talk.

    • DW: It may be better not to exclude commercial use, but mandate share alike. This has helped many open-source projects.

PB: What is ‘10 weeks’ part about? [re the earlier question about future work]

    • DW: TED talk in January, shipping of yunity-beta vaguely planned before then… a lot happening specifically in the next 10 weeks.

PB: Do we want to release FoodSaving as soon as possible?

    • RF: As soon as it's ready (but hopefully before Jan)

[Meeting ends 12:14] 

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