2015-10-13 - Structure

2015-10-13 - Structure


Points for discussion;

  • CC: What deadline do we set, for what objectives ?
  • DW: Clarification of the Communication (Documents, Applicants, Newsletter, Events…) and Public Relations (Press, Social Media, Website, Blog…) teams. Merge if necessary.
  • capabilities, features or attributes of yunity platform defined ?
  • How do we communicate and share task to potential helpers who registered for wuppdays? is the blog enough to inform them how well we are going on?
  • AOB



Present: Philip B, Camille C, Doug W (minutes), Raphael F, Martin S, Kristijan M

Apologies: None

Location: Malo

[Meeting begins 16:17]

CC: Milestones, high-level. Do we stick with the previously agreed targets?

    • RF: Set counter for jan-26th for the MVP (which is basically food and item sharing with a better functionality). Matthia as TPM wants to see next WuppDays before finalising the launch date.

    • CC: MVP?

    • DW: Minimal Viable Product

DW: Proposed merger of communication into Structure.

    • RF: Merger or clarification. Emails, applicants would be communications

    • DW: What else? The web-site? Let’s think about it later…

    • PB: Communications is communications, PR is building trust with public.

    • RF: let’s think about it, make a document.

CC: Capabilities defined for web-site, etc?

    • MS: MVP is the specification.

    • RF: Better to check when done.

    • PB: Waiting for further detail before can finish project overview.

DW: Trello boards to go public except legal, ML to make Slack auto-add script and Slack channels to go into public chat.

    • RF: Will help prevent transparency issues. Plan to ‘green-label’ tasks that new people could do.

    • MS: ‘out-sourceable’

    • PB: ‘crowd-sourcable’

    • MS: Perhaps purple better…

DW: Jitsi.org is a solution for conference calls

RF: mail@yunit.y.org (it’s a gmail acc)

    • DW: Want to avoid all extra email, direct entry for apllicant.

    • RF: Easy entry can be problematic

    • DW: Suggestion for public channels, with migration to private groups if things fall apart. Suggest we try public channels.

    • PB: Will write Slack guide-lines.

MS: Trello. Have a ‘start here column’ which has details on how to get more involved.

RF: Still a bit concerned that we will run into problems with some people…

    • DW: Best to have set of rules before we need to moderate… perhaps for each channel and for the project generally.

    • PB: Will do with CC

All: Next meeting from the 24th

[Meeting ends 16:45]

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