2015-10-14 - Structure

2015-10-14 - Structure


Present: Philip B, Camille C, Doug W (minutes), Raphael F, Martin S, Kristijan M

Apologies: None

Location: Malo

[Meeting begins 17:13]

RF: Really the last structure meeting… No agenda, but can discuss the retrospective findings <link>. We can send out the newsletter for the Dev crew (update from Doug) to include the next WuppDays and invite people *for the whole time*. Priority for programmers.

RF: First point of retrospective- Doug will be the drill sergeant.

MS: Second point. Disseminate hand gestures stuff. Facilitator traning in person

    • DW: suggest we call the one-pager for MVP: yunity 1.0 (MVP) summary (and call ‘one-pagers’ summaries from now on)

    • RF: Goals for next next WuppDays to be worked on from the MVP.

CC: WBS approach may be relevant

RF: Get Design team to contact design companies for logo suggestions.

DW: None of the other points so necessary for this meeting.

DW: We can make a calendar for the next WuppDays now and make a relevant day by day structure.

    • RF: We can have one or two days off.

    • PB: Fun stuff could definitely be more concrete.

DW: Slack-in is being developed by ML and co. Won’t post the links on the website until I have netiquette rules.

RF: Next structure meeting on friday 23rd, 19:00

RF: Coco meeting on Wednesdays, 19:00 first on the 28th

DW: Set up team definitions document (i.e. pr, comms, structure…)

[Meeting ends 16:45]

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