Meeting #6 2015-10-28

Meeting #6 2015-10-28

Present: Doug W (minutes), Raphael F, Martin S, Beata G

Apologies: ...

[Meeting begins 19:27]

BG: Olga just back from holidays (contact on Malta, will help set up association there, Philip is the boss of Beata). She is enthusiastic and wants to help, her daughter is involved in food-sharing.

  • MS: Translation?

  • BG: Deadline of one week: by 2015-11-04.

  • DW: What is being translated and from what to what?

  • BG: The current FoodSharing terms and conditions, from German to English. Olga will let us know what else we need to set up a legally water-tight situation.

  • RF: What are the clear reasons for setting up on Malta? Please can we list. It’s a shame there aren’t sustainable servers, but not a show-stopper: legal is priority.

  • BG: Generally, really positive reactions from her work colleagues - a welcome surprise.

DW: Talky.io as alternative. Working with Matthias on slack-in (direct slack access for incomers), this is pending on netiquette from Philip. Will be working on website, wiki integration, etc.

MS: MVP will be ready for next WuppDays (continued work with Nick Sellen).

  • BG: What is the MVP?

  • MS: Minimal Viable Product - the most basic specification that can be released.

BG: Where are the others? Did they know about the meeting?

  • MS: Should Manuele Carlini be added to Coco group?

  • DW: Yes, if he’s leading design.

BG: Next Coco meeting same time next week?

  • DW: Yes.

MS: Do we have someone that looks after the yunity email?

  • DW: I am in the short term… trying to migrate to less trying methods.

[Meeting ends: 20:37]

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