Daily Scrum

Daily Scrum

A 15-minute, daily meeting for members of Scrum team to communicate and synchronize their work. Typically done standing in a circle, sprint participants answer;

  1. What did I do yesterday?
  2. What will I do today?
  3. Do I see anything blocking me?

The Scrum servant-master should arrange the meeting to occur at the same place, at the same time and and ensure it finishes within the 15-minute time box: discussions and arrangements can be done afterwards.



Example: "Yesterday I upgraded the Angular Material from version one to version two. Today I'll be studying the new version because I can't do my other tasks unless I know how to use it. I can foresee the good weather distracting me."


Type: event
Celebration, Dreaming, Planning, Doing
Works well with: Scrum teams
Incompatible with:
Part of:
yunity Scrum

Made easier with: Scrum master

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