Speaker list

Speaker list

A list of people who have spoken or want to speak in order to give everyone a chance to speak. A meeting can be started with one if there is an expectation the topic will be emotive, or it can be brought in during a meeting if the need arises. The facilitator starts writing down the name of each person to raise their hand to speak at the bottom of the list. It can be helpful to periodically read out the names on the list.

Strict: Only the person next on the list may speak after the current speaker. Can optionally put a time limit on speaking.
Easy: The facilitator may use their intuition and allow direct responses or technical points.


Example speakers list

BodhiCurrently speaking
Joachim ← Next
Doug ← Next


Type: tool
Celebration, Dreaming, Planning, Doing
Works well with: large groups, Silent hand signals
Incompatible with:
Part of:
Paper & pen or laptop
Made easier with: A facilitator

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