2017-03-30 Concerns

2017-03-30 Concerns

Participants: Doug, Frank, Bodhi, Lisa, Matthias

Frank: Dislikes that Doug always facilitates meetings (head stops working listening always to the same voice). Suggestion to collect ideas of what the concerns are.
Round: Doug suggested "snapping". E.g. we start with one type of concerns and people add in similar things.

Frank mentions concerns about the way Doug is facilitating meetings. Has concerns about doing meetings in english always. General concern: Meetings done well by always the same person could lead to dominance or hierarchy.
Doug: Feels nervous, would like to be honest in the round.

Personal concerns:

Doug: German, Germany, not enough effort to learn (now & future), holds others back by that, does not integrate in wider society. Have not really looked into integrating with german state yet. Hates national bureaucracies.
Matthias: Loses personal enthusiasm due to the long process. fears loss of effect.
Bodhi: Seconds.Doug: Overoptimistic, causes exhaustion by going too fast/too far.
Frank: Fears not to be in balance. Could balance really well when he lived alone, but realized lack of social contact. People can bring him out of balance quite fast. Is happy with the current group he is in contact with. Lives in his own flat for 12 years now, has concerns to get into fighting really quickly when people try to tell him how to do things.
Bodhi: General demotivation, has ups & downs and might influence others. Tends to lose focus. Unclarity especially leads him to this behaviour.
Matthias: Might lose focus (on activists work he imagines) due to all the possibilities the house gives (inhouse projects).
Doug: Not making contributions to others by this project but just consolidating our privileges.
Matthias: Wonders if that is really the right project just because it solves personal needs. But might be a good chance anyway as it is better than paid labour and spend money on f.e. alcohol
Doug: Worried about Schottland: Missing people/friends/things. Might be tempted to stay there quite some time as well. Fear of committing to one live too much. Relationship to familiy, concerned about asking for money: what if project fucks up?
Matthias: Can I integrate my standards (hygiene, best-practices) to my satisfaction without dominating the group?
Doug seconds.
Bodhi: Is trying to cope with his opinion being strong & influencing on others what he has not been aware of. Does not want to overrun group with this.
Lisa: Is concerned that it might lead to problems that she is not aware yet on how she wants to participate in the project.
Doug: Concerned about how he handles frustration. Can get frustrated when he sees nothing happening (but there is a will) or when there is a commitment that is not followed. Natural response: Become more authorative, push things. is concerned that this might not be sustainable. Does not want to have this role.

General concerns:

    Matthias: Too little enthusiasm (too small group). Fear that we get lost in all the work around the house without coming to action.
    Bodhi seconds.
    Doug: That we don't learn from our mistakes and to them repeatedly. (A mistake cannot be wrong on the first time, just the second time on)
    Matthias: Fears that we do a lot different form others without proper research. A proper feedback loop in the ptocess/concept might be a good idea
    Bodhi: Fear of not thinking things through before starting the project. (Fears badue-like scenario)
    Frank: Building too dark, too narrow, will enerve him.
    Frank: Fears we switch topics too fast without going in-depth and solve it.
    Doug: Concern that people might come, implement changes that require maintenance and leave without this role in place.
    Matthias: Is the place really right? (big rooms, garden)
    Doug: Allowing individuals to be more powerful than the collective. Putting thoughts on others or generally thinking their opinion is worth more than the one from others.
    Bodhi: Too different concepts and acceptance of radicality that might lead to conflicts.
    Doug: Fundamental incoherence in the group (current or future). Fear of a persistence conflict.
    Matthias: Is the focus right? Do we reach our (individual) goals with the vision and the way we implement it?
    Matthias: Roughly enough money to start the process, which gives us dependency on external money which he considers bad.
    Bodhi: Physical attacks to the building mess with emotinal stability which may make people to leave/ make unhappy.
    Matthias: What level of commitment should be there to be part of the group?

    Group concerns:

    Bodhi: Massive conflicts of many with a single person with no proper exclusion process might lead to group destruction.
    Matthias: How to integrate more people without going through everything again and still incorporate their visions and needs?
    Doug: Concerned that we need a lot more talks on privacy and privatization. Especially towards Bodhi (Wonder of different conception)
    Matthias: Seconds this, needs more clarification on property/privacy/privatization in the current group.
    Doug: Is particularly unhappy with the way of conflict resolution towards Frank. Let's work more on the topic.
    Doug: Being a group means not ever to act what you feel like doing at any time. There has to be some kind of commitment. Notices a general trend there that gives a strong concern.
    Lisa: Sees for example the conflict between doug and frank (meeting style/facilitation). Observed that something is going on in the group., some participants seemed to be okay with dougs facilitation but not all. Saw that there was not enough eye contact to see if that is right for the group. Suggests more checking/awareness.  Thinks that people do not always say what they want to say (some don't feel like it - self-responsibility). Especially in a small group, it is important that the emotions of everyone are clear. Focus more on the needs of the individuals. Feels need of integrating a professional facilitator/group guide. 
    (Franks summary of Lisas words): There is awareness missing in the group. (Lisa adds: Focus on needs more)
    Bodhi: Have the same concerns of a lot of things that are mentioned especially towards frank, but felt like it is already on a good way to clear (e.g. walk with frank).

Next meeting:

    For the next meeting, another facilitator should be selected. Topic suggestion: Privacy, property, openness regarding spaces and items. (no resistance). Frank does the facilitation. Meeting Friday, 10.30am.

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