Conflict resolution, Konfliktbewältigung

Conflict resolution, Konfliktbewältigung

Kinds of conflicts (People amongst each other, people with group)

nonviolent communication as aim: speak of needs, describe from a personal perspective (not one should, has to)

The more people the more you have to be ready to talk, communicate
be honest
and adress things early enough
ask a person that you trust for support, mediation
understand the others in their manner of speaking
some people are scared to be excluded
find and suggest solutions yourself or openly ask for some
Expressive round (Ausdrucksrunde), circling, (each one can talk as long as he/she wants to and is listened, open or closed doors and clear about it, nearly everyone should takepart) once a week 1,5 -2hours
once a month or every two weeks focuses on group and problems, conflict prevention, nice if with everyone
board of needs, clearly formulated (need of the people present)
People who feel responsible to go for and solve conflicts
Internal and external "process", address conflicts.

  • In Noisebridge hackerspace a person can be asked to leave. If a a conflict cannot be resolved there and then, this measure is in place is to try and stop a conflict from escalating and to allow people to cool-down or seek mediation. If the conflict cannot is not resolved before the next general meeting (max. 7 days) then it is brought into the agenda of that meeting.
  • Loomio has a ladder-like conflict resolution process: Resources → Practice → Direct communication → Supported conversation → Supported conversation → External mediators → System Review. They also have a concise list of conflict resolutions resources such as 'I-messages', 'non-defensive assertions', 'the resolution institution method', 'listen looping', etc.
  • Thought: conflict can thought of as action or inaction which is contrary to interests. For example, when you're annoyed with someone for using plates and not washing up, if they stopped using plates or started washing up the conflict would be resolved.

carry out the conflict in order to overcome it

conflict of a person with group: (when a few people say thay have a problem with this person,can't live together with)
adress in a round, communicate clearly, be attentive

→ nonviolent communication training in the WuppHaus (e.g. the people from the undjetzt),

I tried to put this into a diagramm:

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