Meetingstructure and decision making (ideas)

Meetingstructure and decision making (ideas)

Procedure of meetings:

(focus, can be on emotional or factual things → keep it especially if the group is big, feedback important)

minutes (who is writing them, result-oriented or chonologically, notes or text)

How we talk (Round, Discussion with possible to inerrupt, handsigns: 1 finger: I want to say something to the topic, 2 fingers: I want to say something directly to this sentence, T: technical Timeout, something important)

Topic finding:

who, where and how can propose a topic

Method of decision and policy making:

process, (check resistence, online, offline how, when, what gets communicated to non present people, who is responsible that this happens)

  1. Transparency means letting people know what’s happening, in a way that they can get involved if they want, and if not, allows you to proceed knowing they are informed.
  2. Communication means inviting feedback before taking action.

 Quick overview decision making in yunity


Syscon : Find common understandings and directions via sophisticated formal voting. Don't forget to openly dream at the beginning. Proposals are collected, also the passive solution and the resistance is checked.

  1. Find open w question to start syscon
  2. Inform people that the syscon is happening
  3. Generate proposals
  4. Rate

find more information on how to participate in syscons here.

Systemic consensus,

Workshop: Intro to syscon

simple syscon guide


Do what you feel enthusiastic for and integrate it.

  1. Do what you want to in order to contribute to yunity
  2. While doing it have open senses for resistance you might stir up and advices from other people but dont feel stopped by that if what you do is really a right thing.
  3. Check and learn from the consequences of your actions and the criticism you receive from others

Is it relevant?

Autonomous decision making is super relevant for groups because they are the first expression of initiative and of what is alive in us. Only self empowered individuals can form a powerful group or community.

When is it relevant?

Autonomous decision making is important when there is no feedback of the group possible right now.

In deciding autonomous we do not act confirmed on behalf of the group. These autonomous decisions can be later confirmed by the group, then they are validated and integrated by the group.

When do autonomous decisions become autocratic ?

Autonomous decisions become autocratic when they are made by an individual and they are relevant for the group and they are not revisible by the group.

  1. Transparency means letting people know what’s happening, in a way that they can get involved if they want, and if not, allows you to proceed knowing they are informed.
  2. Communication means inviting feedback before taking action.
  3. Reversibility  — The threshold of taking doocratic action is reversibility; that is, only take unilateral action if your action is reversible, and you are happy for others to iterate on or disagree with your decision. Otherwise, wait for feedback and consent.


Quaker decision making:

Process with focus on silence in between speakers, mediated by clerk(s) and elder(s).
result is formulated, amended with the group, read out if no objection decided

BaDü Idea:

A person makes a proposal, silence, if resistance give them, (handsigns)

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