simple syscon guide

simple syscon guide


This guides gives you as a participant an overview of your possibilities to bring your ideas and your rating into a syscon decision.
The syscon should be moderated by someone that has all the information needed to moderate the syscon. If that is not the case better refer to known decision making systems or postpone the decision making process and read the moderator manual for syscon.


Syscon is a formal consent oriented decision making method that uses resistance as a primary indicator to find the solution the group can live best with.
In a democratic oriented group it should be clear that solutions that come out of a decision making process also depend on the ability of the group members to generate good proposals. Syscon will in the long run help to activate the group intelligence.
In the short run emotional issues and long unresolved problems might come up when syscon is introduced. In that case listen to the advice of the moderator.



A syscon in general consists of three phases:

  1. expressing the wishes towards a good proposal
  2. generating proposals
  3. rating the proposals

These phases vary in the way they are implemented strongly in the different versions of syscon.
The different versions of syscon range from

quick decision making to very deep and time consuming decision making.
We normally start with the quickest version, quick syscon, that can then lead to the deeper versions of syscon if the group decides so.


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