How to facilitate online SysCon
'Express needs, wants and values'
Currently the best solution is to start a riseup pad and include a introduction or prompt. You can use the template text below or a version of your own. As a facilitator, it's important to lead by example and include your own NWVs to make a good example.
'Form proposals' and 'Vote'
Currently the best solution is to start a 'konsensierung' on It's worthwhile creating an account with your real name and picture to generate trust in participants. The additional advantage is not having to sign in to each new konsensierung with a temporary account and also to keep all the konsensierungen you are part of in one accessible location. Make sure to;
- Include the link to the 'Express needs, wants and values' sheet in the question description
Notifying participants
- Slack: Announce to relevant channel with a link to the NWV sheet. If for the whole organization, use #core-team
- Trello: For an SysCon concerning the entire orgnization, there is also a Trello board which also notifies #core-team
- Wiki calendar: Adding the phases on the calendar provides a nice visualization of active decisions. (optional)
Announcing outcomes
Announce outcomes on the channels where participants were notified
Seeking review
Last positive review on 2016/03/18 by Joachim Thome
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