How to facilitate online SysCon

How to facilitate online SysCon

Facilitating an Online systemic consensus is a valuable skill to help use the SysCon process.

If you simply want to participate in an online systemic consensus, please move to the parent page.

This article is mostly instructional - if you wish to learn more about the process conceptually you are recommended to read Systemic consensus and Decision making theory.

If you have any questions, please have a look at the FAQ. If you still have questions or require help please get in touch with Janina Abels, Joachim Thome or Douglas Webb.


'Express needs, wants and values'

Currently the best solution is to start a riseup pad and include a introduction or prompt. You can use the template text below or a version of your own. As a facilitator, it's important to lead by example and include your own NWVs to make a good example.

 Template NWV text
║ <<Question>> - Express needs, wants and values ║
  • Please take this opportunity to briefly and personally express how you feel with regards to the above question - three sentances about your needs, your wants and your desires of a potential solution. 
  • Please take some time to reflect on the feelings of the other participants and hence the feeling of the group.
  • Please refrain from speaking on behalf of others or engaging in dialogue.
  • Please save any proposals for the Konsensieren linked at the end of this pad.
<<participant one>>
<<participant two>>
║ Konsensieren: <<https://link-to-business.konsensieren.eu-Konsensieren>> ║

'Form proposals' and 'Vote'

Currently the best solution is to start a 'konsensierung' on business.konsensieren.eu. It's worthwhile creating an account with your real name and picture to generate trust in participants. The additional advantage is not having to sign in to each new konsensierung with a temporary account and also to keep all the konsensierungen you are part of in one accessible location. Make sure to;

  1. Include the link to the 'Express needs, wants and values' sheet in the question description
  2. Set the 'Form proposals' phase with a minimum of 3 days (72 hours).
  3. Set the 'Vote' phase to begin after 'Form proposals' ends.
  4. Set the 'Vote' phase with a minimum of 3 days (72 hours). 
  5. Include 'Zero option' and 'Further solutions' options.

     Zero option description template

    Zero option - We keep everything as it is and change nothing: [Description of 'how everything currently is'. If the 'how everything currently is' cannot be clarified or is disputed then the description is "Not definable"]

     Further solutions description template

    Further solutions - We look for other solutions: The SysCon cycle restarts on the same question and participants express NWVs, form proposals then vote again.

business.konsensieren.eu walk-through

Notifying participants

  • Slack: Announce to relevant channel with a link to the NWV sheet. If for the whole organization, use #core-team
    • Trello: For an SysCon concerning the entire orgnization, there is also a Trello board which also notifies #core-team
  • Wiki calendar: Adding the phases on the calendar provides a nice visualization of active decisions. (optional)

Announcing outcomes

Announce outcomes on the channels where participants were notified

 Announcing a decision template

In answer to the systemic consensus on "Some random question?", xx participants selected "Some equally random answer" with yy % total resistance.

Happy? Sad? Confused? @doug, @janina and @joachim would love to hear your feedback on the process!

Seeking review

Last positive review on 2016/03/18 by Joachim Thome

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