FAQ syscon

FAQ syscon

Why vote first with differentiated resistance instead of enthusiasm?

Enthusiasm is helpful for a group decision to have a lot of energy to actually implement what the group plans to do. But before the area of enthusiasm is checked the area of resistance is more important for the group.
Although it regularly shows that the proposal with the highest enthusiasm is also the one with the lowest resistance, there are exceptions where the proposal with the highest enthusiasm would lead to dragging along more resistance of group members than another proposal. This dragged along resistance has high potential of leading to incoherence of the group. If a voting system allows that to happen on regular basis resistance will accumulate and coherence of the group will fade more and more.

Also expressing resistance is a very important psychological factor. Just being able to express resistance on every given topic relieves a lot of potential stress because resistance is psychologically more important than enthusiasm. Example: I would really enjoy swimming in this cool river...i can see piranhas swimming there...guess i will rethink that plan.

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