Offline systemic consensus
In progress
The content in this page is mostly accurate (2016-02-12) but not fully developed. Please come to Joachim Thome, Douglas Webb or Janina Abels if something is not clear.
Offline systemic consensus has all the steps of the /wiki/spaces/ARCHIVE/pages/4227135. It can be useful to decide on things that affect a group of people in physical proximity.
- Gathering and prioritization of questions
- Participation self-selection
- The systemic consensus cycle
- Express needs, wants and values
- Form proposals
- Vote
- Reevaluation
1. Gathering and prioritization of questions
Not a clear explanation of why +2 to -2 scale chosen.
Prioritization is done using a +2 to -2 voting scale. That is because it is not an elimination vote but a sorting vote. So not only resistance but also enthusiasm can be expressed without excluding questions that pop up. There is no working against each other possible in the way that could happen in a elimination voting with pro votes. > first candidate for FAQ
2. Participation self-selection
- Do I feel that the outcome will affect me?
- Do I feel that I will be accountable for the outcome of the decision?
- Do I feel that I will be part of doing the outcome of the decision?
If you answer 'yes!' to...
- none, feel free to witness the process silently or to spend your time somewhere else.
- one, give your needs, wants and values and also your proposals in the consensus cycle.
- two or all, participate in the whole consensus cycle with voting.
3. The systemic consensus cycle
A one minute meditation starts the systemic consensus cycle that is initiated by the facilitator with the following words:
Let whatever comes into your mind pass through. What defines you will be present when it counts.
3.a. Express needs, wants and values
Every participant writes in 5 Minutes their needs, wants and values regarding the question in maximum three words or short sentences.Then these are read out by the individuals.
3.b. Form proposals
Now there are 5 Minutes to formulate proposals regarding the question.These are read out and gathered by the facilitators. Clear propsals create less resistance. Then the facilitators add the two propsals: The "No Change" solution - This means whatever was in place before the initiation of the voting is now (re-)validated by the present group.. The "Further proposals" solution - We restart with the the point N,W,V after 1 Min of silence.
3.c. Vote
Every participant rates every proposal with resistance from 0 (no resistance) to 10 (maximum resistance).The participants choose their resistance on their thinking and/or their feelings (the feeling can be more relevant when information overflow happens and is completely ok).Choosing the rating: The rating is of the proposals happens in relation to each other and to what you feel is achievable. This means just because you find something as the best solution presented you can still rate it with a high resistance if that is what you feel. Vice versa you can have several proposals that you do not have resistance against in the presented relation. Cases
The Proposal with the least resistance wins the vote: If there is even one resistance it is not a consent yet but the best compromise the group has come up with for the moment. If it is one Proposal with 0 resistance it is a consent solution. Congratulations for finding one!
There are several proposals with the same value of resistance: There happens a runoff vote between these proposals (again with resistance from 0 - 10).
There are several proposals with 0 Resistance: Great ! You found several consent possibilities. Now there happens a runoff vote with pro votes from 0 (i am not against it but also not really burning for it) - 10 ( i am totally burning for this proposal)
We finish this decision with 1 Minute of silence (after hugging and jumping around ecstatically) and then continue with the next question.
4. Reevaluation
Details to come
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