Forming good proposals - a short guide

Forming good proposals - a short guide


A proposal  is a  good proposal when it can be a good solution (seems obvious when pointed out ;-)  ). For that it makes sense to know what my needs, wants and values are on this topic (because i am an essential part of the group) and what the needs, wants and values of other people carrying the decision are.

SMART goals

A group decision is often a goal and can by that often be defined as a SMART goal.
A SMART goal is:

Making proposals for general decisions:

Making proposals for general decisions needs an even better awareness of the values of the group. While the needs and wants can be temporary and strongly depending on the specific situation the values give a much better general orientation for generally supported activities and behaviors, and by that give a better clue for good proposal on general decisions.

Bring art to science

The art of making good proposals, also in the form of SMART goals, is to get a feeling for when to be very specific and detailed and when to be less specific and more general in the different aspects of a proposal so that people in the group are supported and guided in doing whatever they want to do while at the same time not being restricted. This takes practice and mistakes will happen. That should never keep us from trying, so go for it !

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