business.konsensieren.eu bugs & feature requests

business.konsensieren.eu bugs & feature requests

business.konsensieren.eu is a free tool for systemic consensus. We are collecting bugs and feature requests to continue improving the tool: Please record them here then contact the developers feedback page in Deutsch.

NB: Before using business.konsensieren.eu we were using the less-developed konsensieren.eu: this had bugs which were resolved simply by switching to the 'business' version.



DescriptionDetailsReport filed onByStatus
English date setting broken (a bug of konsensieren.eu)When English language selected, setting dates for rating and voting periods is broken: the dates seem to be confused between YY-MM-DD and DD-MM-YY which is reflected in the crazy durations.  

Resolved in business.konsensieren.eu

Alteration of rating and voting periods broken (a bug of konsensieren.eu)When the initiator of a konsensierung tries to save alterations to the date or time of rating or voting periods (as implied by active boxes) it fails to register and comes up with some strange behavior.  Resolved in business.konsensieren.eu
Not able to submit a second answer to a question to the author of a proposal.When clicking the 'submit' button after writing the content in the editor nothing happens. Tried several times and reloaded the page. No idea if this bug is systematic, since the situation only arose once until now,2016-03-03Janina Abels 

Feature requests

DescriptionDetailsRequested onByStatus
Optional commentsFor some decisions it may be relevant to omit comments, advantages and disadvantages - this is not currently optional.   
Transparent votingCurrently voting is done anonymously and there is no way to identify who voted for what. For our purposes we may want to have total transparency when the results come in.   
Full data exportThe export function for the results does not provide all the data that is shown in the results section. A full breakdown of all the data would be incredibly useful for total transparency, analysis and documentation.   
Language selectorNo language selector. To change the language from English to Deutsch currently requires manual editing of the URL;
Community translationAllow platform to be translated into any language   
Integrated NWVs

Embedded NWV feature;

  • Has optional time-frame.
  • Each contributor has personal field that can't be altered by others.
  • Optional character limitation.
  • Optional prompt (i.e. 'you should write x')
  • Participants taken to NWV before proposals and before voting.

Having an integrated solution for needs, wants and values would be very beneficial: currently done by link to external sheet or pad. This integrated NWV solution would allow each participant to enter their feelings in a way uneditable by other participants (a limitation of sheets and pads). This would also be a requirement before participants could add proposals. A good option would be the ability to set a period for NWVs so that they can all be seen before participants go further.

Self-selection integrationParticipants guided as to how they should participate   
Block-chain/permanence featureVote can be cryptographically frozen   
Templates(e.g. 'Structure team SysCon', 'yunity organization SysCon', 'Micro SysCon', etc)   
'Offline' capabilityAbility to conduct using Bluetooth/wifi-direct/etc (i.e. local hosting without internet)   
Folders for past SysConsPossibility to create and name folders in 'My Konsensierungen' to keep the overview and to move the past SysCons accordingly.   

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