Deep syscon


Deep systemic consensus with an untrained group needs to be prepared and facilitated by a trained moderator(-team) . Management by consent is used for that.

Introduction and goal clarification

1 define challenge/problem

The problem is stated. If individuals disagree, now they have the chance to voice their view. A short reflection of everyone involved like "What are my associations with the topic?" is made to focus the awareness of the problem.

2 find the proper question

The group finds an open w question that allows answers that solve possibly all the brought up problem perspectives. E.g. What can we do to to solve this problem for all involved?

3 liability question

How decisive is the Decision in which framework?

4 Information round also legal framework

Bring all relevant information on the table

5 wishes towards a good solution

The group has with the logic of systemic consensus interest to integrate possibly all wishes. Nobody speaks against the wishes of another person. Reasoning your wishes can help to find the deeper needs and by that create a better solution direction consent. Only the specific wish can sometimes leave little room for creativity. For wishers:specific egoistical wishes have higher chance of not being integrated in the solutions because it is harder to do so.

Develop proposals

6 Search for proposals and control solutions

Make the participants aware that the solution with the lowest resistance in the group will win (but in deeper syscon the first round is to gather information) . Passive solution is clarified (any resistance? If yes, quick syscon)

7 Clear understanding and gather pros and cons

Clear questions (understanding, knowledge), gather further information regarding the proposals (framework, additional information, wishes)

Vote and decide

8, 12 (first) vote to have order of ranks

Even with further solution it can make sense to say we need a second round anyway. This second round is default in deeper syscon.

9, 13 question of continuation (seek for further solutions)

10 explore resistances

Speak with people to find out why they create resistance towards your proposal to refine it. Also asking for positive feedback can be important.Just speaking with the people can already bring down overall resistance. Question: What would i need to change to get -2 resistance from you?

11 Fit informations , wishes, proposals and new ideas > continue with 8 (7)



14 Reflection of process

Even groups used to the process often have a need to share what happened with them during the process. (Something i really want to have.)

15 Party

A good result in an important area is a reason for party (smile)


Space preparation and time frame

A deep syscon takes time. 2 hours can be possible if the participating individuals are familiar with the process and focused. Several hours up to several days can be totally possible , depending on the focus of the group and the complexity of the topic.
Sometimes it can be that a deep syscon is for several reasons not meant to last for 8 hours or two days.
If that is the case the limit of the time frame must be clarified beforehand.
This also means that the moderator team needs to prepare the different steps of the deep syscon in advance so that the participants can go through the process with at least friction energy loss as possible.

Remember that a tight time limit can make a more authoritarian style from the moderator side necessary in order succeed with the process.

Some of the steps can also be prepared by the participants in advance if the meeting for the syscon is planned for a longer period.

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