Shared economy, finances, gemeinsame Ökonomie, Finanzen

Shared economy, finances, gemeinsame Ökonomie, Finanzen

Principle questions (do you have your answers? → write them down or tell them someone):

What is Safety? What is Trust? How much do I have? How much do I need/want?

Brainstorm ideas (english translation for Doug)

Money sharing:
A Verein (goals are… enhance sharing, reduce consume, as a result to use less money, want to denounce that some people don’t have money at their disposal and others too much)
has an account (probably with a bank that we trust)
and everyone from the inner yunity group (defined by… gone through an onboarding process, some lessons learned e.g. lived one week without using money, some kind of steps)
can take as much and give a much as he thinks (… individual decision what the money is used for) (Philip says he would not take money for weed out of a personal decision)
transparency when money is being used for what (by whom not necessarily)

Some throughts:
lots of trust needed, personal knowledge of each other (?), how big, many? What are we scared of, we want to share and to change the society. But the money topic is a bit danced around, is quite a taboo, foodwaste is more obvious and easily accessible to peoples minds

Keep needs to the house?
Places with shared (dayli-life/wealth) economy: Niederkaufungen, Bienenwerder (from 50€ up it has to be talked about in the group)
We start sharing for example with things that we don't need anymore, then expand from this.
What is money for me?

Matthias (thoughts differ from others, thats why it stands seperate): mobile phone costs, health incurance, from time to time a train ticket (150-200€/month) would not live entirely without money right now
We already do it with buying and paying for fix costs together, expand from this
When I spend money I intensively think about why, what for and the reason an deeply consider what I purchase for this money.
I can't identify with randomly spending money, I couldn't share it unconditionally but expect others to use it meaningful also with others things. Nearly noone has shared money with me, I always earned it. Money is a universal tool, it becomes bad if not used meaningful

2. Financial plan:

shared house economy:
shared daily-life economy,
for specific house spendings aso als a non-resident, agree with a resident the control instance. Know how much is possible without money
what is trivial what you are ready to give
for gibber spendings: check together what is being spent
Purpose concerns the house and is reasonable and well thought through

health insurance

→ aim to develop a shared economy even more, milestones: mobile phone contracts

shared daily-life economy is our aim, as much as possible out of one pot, voluntarily not compulsory
we don't exclude the possibility for a shared wealth-economy

Usage what can we spend money for and what not
Input for this topic how money is handled in the WuppHaus (Umgang mit Geld im WuppHaus:) https://yunity.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=78643219
only for the necessities if after several attempts is not possible without money
to define/discuss per topic
A few things with planning beforehand, than at the place nearly money-free

Magic Jar: (Pot with money that is standing around and everyone can take and give as much as he/she wants)
Transparency (personal purchases from the drugstore, x and y from the hardware store)
starting from a certain amount it has to go through a meeting e.g. 100€

A trustee? For guests or for residents
single project, not linked to the account of the association?
usually we don't take and want money but we have a jar here, people want to have a clear conscience
intern (for residents, the project, jar for the association/verein) and extern (for supporting the house)
jar without documentation
frustrated, if the money suddenly was gone

money sources: private funders (intern, extern → don't differentiate)
how to we get money if wedon't have some? private supporters, aid money
Harz IV, if we officially are homeless

Wage work in the Wupphaus:

Matthias: wants to do wage work in his field, workshops more professional. Wants security for later
doens't want to leave the financial system

Fritz: health insurance, somehow has to get a few thousand per year, should be possible to do it from the WuppHaus. how transparent, amount?

Bad to live in the WuppHaus in order to stock up private, financial reserves.
what goes towards the association if you go working?
Depending on the single case, talk about it, people that attribute towards the values and visions

personal fix costs have to be covered (out of the common pot our from the private account

health insurance, too expensive mobile phone contracts

if people work hald the day they would probably not have enough time for the house and its projects
Projects that are aligned with the values and visions
Surplus? Buy new Wupphouses
same moneyrights for earners and non-earners

Costs at events in the WuppHaus:
The entry for all the participants for activities in the WuppHaus is always free. (kostenfrei)
contributions towards expenses should be made transparent but should not be mandatory
WuppHaus financial pots for circuit boards in the brazing workshop (scaled, people that don't have the money don't have to give it)
we hope to stimulate discussions with this
border cases will be talked about in a meeting

Fix costs: Financial planning

variable costs: one-time and recurring

internal donation quest, be very transparent, put everything on the website and as a notice in the house
what do we do with semilegal things? e.g. certain recourses, protect privacy
purpose concerns the house, is meaningful and well thought through

health insurance outward things less

→ aim to build up more and more a shared economy, milestones: mobile phone contracts

Organisation of responsibilities:

assiciation: board members of the association should have a good credit-worthiness: Schufa, not-payed back depts
integrate new people → Q
self-initiative, if something really is important to you, do it or or make sure that it is done (yunity basic)
decision finding: for the people who are concerned
public relations

heath system:
Solidago, Atabana (alternative ones, not officially recognised health insurance companies, grey area/legal limbo)
location group, primary health care we can do ourselves, for gibber things like an x-ray we can access the big solidary pot

Pets: only pigs, Insects for eating, against higher vertebrates


-the residents can file an application and get 30 days vacation
-It can be shared

-cats don't have owners, only proprietors

-Mindmap is a good group process and shows balance

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