Exploring legal structures
- Genossenschaft ↔ Cooperative
- Wohnungsgenossenschaft ↔ Housing cooperative
- Eingetragene Genossenschaft (eG oder e.G.) ↔ Registered/incorporated cooperative
- Satzung ↔ Statute (Rules, Constitution, Governing document, etc)
- Amstgericht ↔ District Court
- Prüfungsverbände ↔ Audit association
- Gesetz ↔ Law
- Vorstand ↔ Board
- Mitglieder ↔ Member
- Stiftung ↔ Trust/Foundation
Creating a Genossenschaft
These steps were extracted from a longer article. The Mietshäuser Syndikat International and Prüfungsverbände der Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgenossenschaften e.V. were contacted on 2016-08-24 by Douglas Webb to confirm the steps are accurate and whether there are any important omissions.
- Form a cohesive social group.
- Compose Satzung in accordance with the law.
- Get at least three founding members to agree to then sign the Satzung.
- Pass signed Satzung onto a qualified Prüfungsverbände to check it.
- If signed Satzung is OK with with the Prüfungsverbände, contact an Amstgericht to register.
- If signed and verified Satzung is OK with the Amstergicht and registration proceeds, an eG is formed.
The Prüfungsverband normally takes money. Initially registering costs about 800-2000 Euros. Additionally, your Genossenschaft needs to be a member in one of those Prüfungsverband and they check you every 1-2 years. This costs additional 400-800 Euros. It is unclear for now if we could get this membership for free.
Source Law
Gesetz betreffend die Erwerbs- und Wirtschaftsgenossenschaften (Genossenschaftsgesetz - GenG) - German Co-operative law
§ 6 Mindestinhalt der Satzung - Minimum requirements for a Genossenschaft Satzung
Gesetz betreffend die Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbHG) - German LLC law
[Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 - UK Co-operative law, reference for English speakers]
Interpretation of Law and auxiliary info
- Genossenschaftsregister: Ihr Unternehmen anmelden - How to register a Genossenschaft
- Liste der Prüfungsverbände mit Prüfungsrecht nach § 53 GenG - List of associations qualified to audit Genossenschaften pre-registration (2014)
- Fragen und Antworten zum Thema Stiftung - 100 Qs&As regarding the elusive German Stiftung
- FGW e.V: An association set up to help people set up e.G.
- Wohnprojekte Portal: "It is designed to help interested people on their way to start-ups, but also serve as a service tool for existing initiatives. We understand it as a contemporary educational opportunities as a reference and information hub." (translated from DE)
- Stiftung Trias: "The trias Foundation was established to promote people and projects seeking answers to the social issues of land speculation, of social life and ecological practices. Our goal is, in the long term to withdraw the ground of speculation and feed it to Community and ecological use." (translated from DE)
- [How to set up a Housing Co-operative - 20 page guide by Radical Routes, reference for English speakers]
Satzung for inspiration
- Wagnis eG Satzung - The Satzung of a Wohnungsgenossenschaft in München.
- Vorwärts eG Satzung - The Satzung of a Wohnungsgenossenschaft in Berlin.
- Gundwerte eG Satzung - The Satzung of a Wohnungsgenossenschaft in München.
- Gemeinsam Leben eG Satzung - The Satzung of a Wohnungsgenossenschaft in Kassel.
- Constitution of Loomio Cooperative Limited - Perhaps an interesting set of rules for inspiration from the collaborative software guys.
[Model fully mutual primary housing co-operative rules - Put forward by Cooperatives UK and the Confederation of Co-operative Housing, reference for English speakers]
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