2016-02-05 - Talk about money

2016-02-05 - Talk about money

Present: Douglas Webb, Joachim Thome, Philip Engelbutzeder, Kirstin Siu, Janina Abels and Tais Real

[Meeting begins 15:05]

JT: Can think of the old system as a closely intertwined network of behavious such as 'belief system', 'relationships with others', 'financial economy'. Collectively these could be called culture. A new system can be started by importing behaviours singularly, analysing them and modifying them as desired. This situation could be visualised as a 'one-way' valve where behaviours of an old system are transformed then imported into a new system, preventing the slide back into the old system. Story: A couple decide to become more ecological and decide to buy a new car. It uses less fuel, is aerodynamic and uses plant based oil. Through their financial savings, they end up purchasing another one of these cars. The result is that the 'ecological' couple with two new cars are less ecological than a normal couple with one car. We could consider the 'old system' as being 'normal life' and the 'new system' being 'the yunity bubble'. With regards to money and the transition into the new system one could 'spend less' or 'earn less'. As the 'yunity bubble' becomes 'normal life'.

PE: We should definitely work together to help reinforce the behaviors we want to have collectively.

DW: Concerns that dog chases the tail: We can't live with less money until we have yunity in place.

JT: 'You cannot change a system by operating from within it'

PE: We could perhaps make yunity really quickly with a lot of money, but it would belie the fundamentals.

JA: Dogmatism and perfection are counterproductive.

DW: Thinking should start in the 'new system' and exceptions may be addressed by the 'old system'

JA: Toilet paper - I still want to use that and have to buy it

    • JT: Could wash your butt
    • DW: Newspaper
    • JA: But I think we all want toilet paper, and currently you can only get it by paying for things.

TR: So what is yunity currently doing with money?

    • DW: The receipt for any group expenditure is kept, photographed and stored. With funding, purchases should be reimbursed.

PE: Prefer 'unconditional' instead of 'moneyless', where I'm not restricted by money.

JT: We are will go through a transition state to reach our goal. Price system can be better to evaluate and to reflect upon than money system.

[Meeting ends 16:15]

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