Money survey results (graphical)

Money survey results (graphical)

participated on the survey as of 2015-02-08:

Bodhi, Anna Rieser, Amos, Tais, Janina, miy, Matthias L, Martin, Raphael Fellmer, Arno Döpper, Philip Engelbutzeder, Tilmann, Robert Lipp, Fenja Jacobs, Beata, gabriela villamizar diez, Joachim Thome, Adrean, Doug Webb, Isabella db, Manuele Carlini, Camille


How important it is for that the yunity association (not the yunity platform which will be always for free) is as moneyless as possible?

Would you like to contribute full time (20-30h per week) for yunity if you could live in permanent WuppSpace for free?

Would an additional basic income to the WuppSpace help you to fully concentrate on yunity?

What would be your favored position in yunity?


Design and Structure
not sure...
Technical Project Manager
Community Research, Project Manager
Well being
legal, PR
Networker, Well-Being
developer, tpm
PR, Press, Product Definition
Whatever it need to be done, but if it close to my skills is better
Project manager
Communication, PR
(answered no)
translator, internal communication and structure

What would you think money should be used for the yunity association?

Options: Food at WuppDays, Miscelanious small things (e.g. Python stickers, light-bulbs, etc), Legal fees (e.g. registration), Server (currently we have a green energy sponsored server), Additional Costs for a temporary or permanent WuppSpace (water, gas, electricity, insurance etc.), WuppSpace premises (i.e a permanent space for around 20-30 people with house expenses covered), Personal medical insurance, Land-based transportation for yunity contributors (e.g. train, bus, carpool), yunity festivals (e.g. gatherings of non-profit sharing platforms and initiatives), For one Technical Project Manager (Development), For several Project Managers (e.g. Design, Human Resources, etc), Private housing costs (i.e. not the wuppSpace), Traveling cost for land-based transportation for external coaches, would consider any expenditure on a case by case basis, nothing, other

Which money sources would you consider appropriate for yunity?

Options: Non-profit organisations (e.g. foodsharing e.V.), Private donations from yunity contributors/team (no crowdfunding), Private donations from any person just by providing bank details in the "support" button., Foundations/Charities which we feel good with (environmental, social, sharing etc. ones), Crowdfunding campaign (adverted through facebook, footer, newsletter, yunity.org, etc), Donation button in the footer of yunity.org, Price Competitions (from any kind that we feel good with), Companies (only aligned to our values), Comapnies (all sorts), Political Institutions (regional, national, EU), yunity busking, would consider any source on a case by case basis, none, other

Our current money statement (draft)


I like it and agree
Looks good!
As long as it stays transparent and doesn't lead to money piling up, i absolutely agree.
as a co-writer of our money policy I like it pretty much ;)
I like the money statement
I think the rule should be "everything we can get for free we get it first, otherwise we use money" but the priority should be in getting things done and in a perfect way, with this I mean don't accept compromise.
love it
Additionally, priorities and practice of money spending should be agreed upon by a recurring consensus process among the yunity core team.
ok for the moment. needs to be more concrete as soon as we acually receive regular funding.
It is important that money stays as means and is not becoming a goal/aim. yunity encourages relationships where people share ... Money is used where yunity still has lack of relationship (If the yunity car is broken, we contact the mechanic we have a relation to). The aim is to be moneyless, when we have set up the realtionship to everything that is needed.
Would add transparency about the way it used : fully transparent about fundings AND the use of money. That'b be good to discuss the use of money for each category (e.g. permanent wuppspace / basic income for heads of the project), that way justifying why we use it, and being clear and clean on the use of money.
Phrasing it that way sounds perfect to me.
Sounds good!
I think it's fine as a statement, but of course it doesn't answer all the questions (hence this survey).
sounds good!

feedback on this survey


This is such a difficult question! It would be nice if people who contribute a lot could live from yunity only (as e.g. medical insurance is something every German needs to pay...), but on the other hand it would create a huge gap between the ones being paid and the ones who don't. If we keep on growing fast (which we will) it will be even harder to justify who gets money and who doesn't. But money that is spent for everybody (like, if we don't have enough saved food or need to pay legal fees) is something that's probably necessary anyways, if we don't want to boycott ourselves, right?
Yunity association is not yet exactly defined to answer the first question appropriate. Basic income: Nothing relevant for me right now, but in long term I need some way to cover the expenses of my life (e.g. living (wupphouse), insurance (180€ per month) and some additional convenience expenses. This must not be from or for yunity work but would make contributing at least a bit more "unconditionally" as no care needs to be taken about other things at all. I would not consider payouts for specific roles, more on a "who needs gets what (s)he needs basis".
very helpful and I hope many people will fill in the form that we could have an overview
Happy this discussion is happening, excited to progress! With regards to the 'appropriate sources for money' section, I wonder if an easier approach might be: 1) To make a statement that money is intrinsically 'dirty' and that consideration of money at all is to work towards a money free environment 2) to make a list of all the sources we would immediately *disregard* (e.g. weapons companies, GMO companies, banks... etc). <3
it should be clear that using money is always the exception. if there is no money free solution or a money free solutution would hinder the progress of the project {unverhältnismässig}, money may be used.
Connection of 3rd and 4th question is not helpful. Apart from that nice initiative to gather opinions.
If you need help analyzing the survey, let me know!
thank you for your contribution
i love you all
Thank you, it was nice to participate! Have cool Wuppdays up there!
I think the case by case answer is the most fitting for these questions. Should Yunity pay the staff? Well if someone is so involved that they don't have time to get money anywhere else but still have unavoidable expenditures, than, yes... Case by case.
ó_Ò all good
I was not sure whether I contribute to this survey or whether it was only for poeple who are already "really" involved. but in general: nice survey


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