Report Module
Work in Progress
foodsharing specific reports have to be worked out to see if we can improve them
Users can write a report about another user when problems occur, like infringements of rules. In order to give each Community & Group as much autonomy as possible, Communities have to take care of all reports occurring within their own Community. The Report Module helps the Community to manage the reports that happen within their own Community in an efficient way.
Reports against the top-level-members of the Community are taken care of by the yunity Report Team.
Goal: "We want to encourage the users to speak to the persons he/she has a problem with. If that's not possible a user can write a feedback with your concerns to that person. The report should be the very the last option."
All community top-level admins can choose where the reports go: either centralized to the Report Team of the whole communnity or decentralized to specific Report-Teams of sub-groups.
Report Team Detail Graphic
Stage 1 - MVP Pilot
Feature set Report a user
- Being able to write a Report to a user from his/her profile page
- Type of Report:
- yunity specific (global): is harassing me or a friend, Spam or a scam, Violence or harmful behavior, Hate speech or discrimination
- foodsharing specific (additionally defined by community): came to late to pick-up, did not show up without noticing the team and others to come to be validated from the current foodsharing website where we can see what other report option was used most often
Date when the incident happened (optional)
Description of what happened and what the accusation is (min. 50 characters, max. 1000 characters)
Picture attachment (optional)
After sending a message appears: "Thank you for committing this report. It will be redirected to the responsible persons, which may contact you for further questions."
- A report case is opened for each report
Feature set Report Managers doing decision on report case
- One (or more) report manager team(s) is/are responsible for deciding on a report: The report decision maker
- A case decision always closes a case and
- just notifyies the reported with a message
- gives a warning to the reported. Warnings will be available as reference in future cases
- give a yellow card to the reported. A yellow card will exclude the person from all activities in the community for a definable time period
- give a red card to the reported. A red card will exclude the person from all activities in the community forever
Feature set Notification on report decision ready to be made
- The report managers that need to take a decision on a case will be notified, when that case reaches the state "decision to be done"
- There needs to be a way to make them constantly aware that there are cases awaiting decision
Feature set Report manager are responsible for report case
- One (or more) report manager team(s) is/are responsible for discussing on a case. These should be the ones who contact the person as well as the reporter to get any details and try to write it down in a neutral way so a decision can be made on an objective basis
Feature set Notes on a report case for report manager teams
- For each report case, there are notes attached (a wall/wallpost?) that allow all involved report managers to communicate about that special case
Feature set report managers can escalate cases
- Any responsible report team is able to escalate the case to include that teams' hierarchically higher report team into the set of responsible teams.
Feature set time based report case escalation
- After a certain time of no action passed by, a report will be automatically escalated to include all responsible report manager teams parents into that set
Feature set report teams can be taken of a case
- A hierarchically higher entity can remove report manager teams from the set of responsible or decision maker teams on a case (e.g. if there are concerns about involvement)
Feature set limit entities that can issue specific decisions
- A community is able to set, who can issue red and yellow cards
- Every report team
- Just the top level report team
Feature set report case status
Reports can be marked as new, in progress, needs decision,done. Everyone who has permission to view and handle the report can change that status. It is also logged who changed it so the rest of the team can see it.
Feature set Connect Report case to a Store
- Store - when users are members of the same store(s): show a list of their common stores to select where the incident happened (optional)
Feature set Connect Report case to a Community
- Community to which the incident is related to
(Automatically filled if there is a store selected, if not all Communities that both reported and reporting person are in are being displayed and one can be selected. If reported person is in no community, the field remains empty and report will be directed to yunity Report Team. If reported and reporting person don't have Communities in common, the field remains empty and report will be directed to yunity Report Team)
Feature set Report Management page
- Having an overview of all cases, the person is allowed to handleiew of new messages
Feature set report case communication to involved people
- Messages can be sent by the Report Team in the name of the Report Team, the name of the sender itself remains anonymous to the recipient but Report Team members can see it. Messages can be sent to the Report Team as well (obviously
- Messages are in the context of a report (e.g. one chat per report)
- The communication / chat is always initiated by the report team
- report teams involved ↔ reporter
- report teams involved ↔ reported person
Feature set community integration for report teams
- Every Community has a Report Team.
Feature set hierarchical report teams
- The Admins of a Community can decide to give sub-groups also Report Teams (e.g. Community foodsharing Germany has a Report Team with several Report Teams of sub-groups like Report Team Berlin).
- Reports should go to the lowest-ranking sub-group when possible.
- E.g. there is a Report Team Kreuzberg, a Report Team Wedding and the higher-ranking Report Team Berlin. Tom from Kreuzberg reports Carla from Kreuzberg -> goes to Report Team Kreuzberg. Tom from Kreuzberg reports Frank from Wedding -> Report goes to Report Team Berlin.
- E.g. there is a Report Team Kreuzberg, a Report Team Wedding and the higher-ranking Report Team Berlin. Tom from Kreuzberg reports Carla from Kreuzberg -> goes to Report Team Kreuzberg. Tom from Kreuzberg reports Frank from Wedding -> Report goes to Report Team Berlin.
Feature set General discussion space for all Report Managers
(should we include the stores as well? e.g. if Tom from Kreuzberg reports Carla from Kreuzberg but the incident happened in a store in Wedding, should the Report go to Kreuzberg or to Berlin?)
- Having a User Report Page for every user that received report(s)
Each user with a report has a specific page where all related repots are gathered for an efficient work-flow, also if different people from the Report Team deal with one user - Timeline (wall) with all information concerning the user: reports, notes/texts (by other people of a Report Team concerning this user, e.g. for phone call protocols), messages (sent and received) to reported user by responsible users and yellow/red cards that were given to reported person are shown as posts in chronological order with the possibility to comment
- filtering of the wall: show all, reports, texts, messages (sent and received), yellow/red cards
- possible actions:
- new message to reported person, reporting person or others (enter name) in the name of "XY Report Team of XY Community".
- give yellow card (suspension for a certain amount of time)
- give red card (expulsion from community and banned from requesting to enter this community again)
Design proposals:
- Report Management Page:
- Overview of total reports: "new reports (amount)", "reports in process (amount)", "done (amount)"
- List of reports (reports marked as "new" first, then reports marked as "in process", then reports marked as "done"). Several columns: "report to", "report from", "report category", first words of "description", "date/time", "district/city/region"
by clicking on a community member -> go to report page of member - Message Overview: "x new messages" -> click -> rollout list with names of people that sent messages -> klick on name -> get to report page of community member
- Ranking of community members with highest amount of reports
by clicking on a community member -> go to report page of member
- Report Page:
- how a report looks like on the wall:
- name and profile picture of person that wrote report
- date/time, category of report, store (if so)
- first two lines of report text and "see more"
- status (RED new, ORANGE in process, GREEN done)
- button to request next level admins to help solving a report (next highest report-Team in the community or yunity report admin team if report is already against top-level Admins of Community)
- right column: overview/timeline for all reports and yellow/red cards (one line per report with date and reporting person). click on report -> jump to report in wall
- how a report looks like on the wall:
Stage 2 - MVP
Stage 3 - Distant Goals
- Being able to write a Report to an Event/Page/Sub-Group/Community (for example a button "..." on the cover photo, there link "report")
- Type of Report: It's harassing me or a friend, Sexually violent or child pornographic content, Spam or a scam, Violence or harmful behavior, Hate speech or discrimination, others
Date when the incident happened (optional)
- Description of what happened and what the accusation is (min. 50 characters, max. 1000 characters)
- Picture attachment (optional)
- After sending a message appears: "Thank you for committing this report. It will be redirected to the responsible persons, which may contact you for further questions."
- Notification for new report in the respective report team.
If it is a sub-group/page/event of a community, the report is shown to admins of sub-group/community on next-higher level. If it is the top level community/page itself or a page/event not connected to a community, the report goes to a yunity report team.
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