Joachims Proposal
Everything regarding money is done via proxy spendings.
This means: yunity doesnt have a bank account and no specific people taking care of money inside the organisation. yunity doesnt spend any money.
Needs with potential costs for yunity are requested and then donated by individuals and/or teams (foundations, fundraising groups)Â to yunity.
Every resource yunity works with is based on donation and direct contribution.
This implies that monetary donations are received by individuals that dont represent yunity in this moment. As soon as the donations are invested (by the proxy investor) the paid item or service can be transfered to being a part of yunity.
Anyone is free to donate needed resources and skills to yunity unconditionally.
There is no moneyflow inside yunity.
There is no money management inside yunity , only resource management , which is another topic.
To the extent possible under law, the yunity wiki contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the content of the yunity wiki. More information...
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