DW proposal without organizational money transfer
1. Protocol
This is a set of actions for acquiring the necessary resources for yunity. Each action should be considered more preferable than the one following it.
1.1. Avoidance
Avoiding the use of money on behalf of yunity should always be the starting consideration when acquiring resources.
- Necessity. Take a moment to consider whether we need this resource.
- Acquisition without the use of money. The following sub-list of options is not extensive;
- Reclamation. Rescue the resource from being wasted, abandoned or unused.
- Construction. Make the resource from other available resources.
- Borrowing. Individual or organization who already has the resource lends it.
- Donation. Individual or organization who already has the resource donates it - this is different to actively purchasing a resource explicitly to donate it, see Donation by proxy transaction below.
1.2. Donation by proxy transaction
No one is expected to use money on behalf of yunity. If an individual or organization wishes to purchase a resource to donate to help yunity achieve it's Vision and Mission, they can.
- Necessity. Consider whether this resource can be acquired with the Avoidance of money use. If not, consult 5. Collaborate with yunity or check with an active yunity contributor to see whether yunity actually needs the resource.
- Donor makes transaction.
- Donation. Individual or organization who purchased the resource dontes it.
- Record. For anything that is explicitly purchased for donation to yunity, it is highly recommended to record the name of donor, date of transaction and a copy of receipt - if the donor consents. Recording these details is not to glorify the donor but to identify where yunity is still indirectly reliant on money - this knowledge will direct efforts into finding ways to avoid the use of money for acquiring the resource in future.
2. Changes to policy
Changes to this policy are to be made using the result of Online systemic consensus where;
- At least one week is given for the proposal forming phase and
- At least one week is given for the voting phase and
- The #core-team Slack channel has been suitably notified.
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