yunity heartbeat 2016-11-13

yunity heartbeat 2016-11-13

The yunity heartbeat - what has each team done, what are they doing and what do they need help with.

WuppDays #12 Witzenhausen.

From around the 1st to the 15th of November we have been hosted by the lovely people of Transition Town Witzenhausen, who shared their beautiful Transition House in the heart of the city with us. Since these days are only almost over, some of us are still there and the retrospective just came into the process of being written, more details will follow in the next heartbeat! For those who cannot wait, there also is the blog post, that was already written, when the WuppDays #12 were still going on.

Just so much for now: We had an amazing time with old and new contributors, wupping happily and working in all the different fields that make up the diverse yunity project. One of the focus areas this time was finding and setting up a WuppHouse, and real success has been reached! Read more about our new permanent WuppSpace in the next chapter.

Apart from holding meetings about the WuppHouse, listening to scientific insights on the syscon paradox, writing and designing new promotion material (like a brochure about yunity - stay tuned!) and planning and carrying out rearrangements in the house, there - of course - was a lot of food saving, cooking, cuddling and general bonding going on. yunity already became a family months ago and it's amazing to still see it growing bigger and closer at the same time!


As you may know, we have been looking for a permanent WuppSpace more or less intensely for over half a year now. There have been multiple promising opportunities but so far nothing concrete came out of it. Well, that is until now... because now for the first time we have got a key in our hands! (big grin)

The abandoned train station in Bad Dürrenberg will become our first WuppHouse! A lot of work still needs to be done, but we are thrilled to get it started and a bunch of us are already on site and working on setting up the basics. For more info on this amazing new development visit the specifically created new wikispace covering everything Bad Dürrenberg-related: BADUE

There you can find e.g. immediate needs, worries and plannings and what kind of materials are mostly lacking at the moment.

We want to thank Bernd of the Gemeinschaftsstifter project for making this possible and promise to make the best use possible of this amazing gift!

Are you as excited about this opportunity as we are? Do you want to come by and help us? Construction skills would be amazing but every helping hand is welcome! Don't hesitate to contact us and stop by to see this dream come true and take part in realizing it! Most of the communication is happening in the dedicated Slack channel #wupphouse, but you can also reach us via email or by filling out the join the team form, which leads you to our discourse forum.

Apart from directly dirtying your hands you can also spread the word and maybe distribute our German brochure to people who are willing and able to help:

(Just click on it to get it in full size!)

So much for the highlights this time, read below what happened with regards to the other teams and topics:

Foodsaving Tool.

Challenges/help needed

Foodsaving worldwide.


The Slack channel is as lively as ever and a lot of important info is shared!

In Progress

The facebook group is steadily growing. 

Challenges/help needed

To keep up the growth on facebook we need people to participate in publishing content there, too!



Research about open source groupware and wiki. 


First setup of the yunity contributors map: http://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/map/yunity-contributors-map_108382#4/55.45/10.37 (some people started sharing they current/future locations and their travel plans)

Challenges/help needed

  • someone who likes to install wikisuite for testing purpose
  • spreading the word about the contributors map in order to create a tool that is useful and helpful for a lot of people. 

Community Relations.


  • sharing and reflecting circle about the working party in Witzenhausen, where we took a day to directly give something back to the people hosting us. (sry no meeting minutes so far)
  • yunity workshop at the Utopikon Conference

In Progress

  • yunity presentation in the Transition Town Haus Witzenhausen (17.11.2016, 20:00)
  • collecting and sorting of photos, articles, essays, stories, pictures, etc. for a yunity-book/brochure 

Challenges/help needed

please send anything that you have created for yunity and that you think suitable for a nice book/brochure to Philip Engelbutzeder

To the extent possible under law, the yunity wiki contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the content of the yunity wiki. More information...

You have an account but can't edit or create pages? Write us in the open chatroom or in our yunity Slack!