Scrum of Scrums, 2016-07-04
The yunity heartbeat - it's sooo cool that stuff is happening! Have a glimpse of it on this page!
1. Pre-meeting summary
Product Team. Ambassador: Tilmann | |
Done | In progress |
Split up in project specific channels: #mvp-proposal and #quick-syscon  |  |
#mvp-proposal core team
| Â |
#quick-syscon core team
| Â |
Challenges/help needed? |
Design Team. Ambassador: Tilmann | |
Done | In progress |
Website colors are on Color Scheme | SysCon "How to organize the design team?" |
yunity Logos | Â |
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Challenges/help needed? |
Development Team. Ambassador: Tilmann | |
Done | In progress |
Work on MVP proposal frontend by Lars Wolf, visit to follow | Current walk: Walk#11 planning Walk goal:Â Â Â Â |
Publish MVP proposal frontend on | SysCon: Code license |
Work on Quick SysCon tool ongoing, most work done by Alex (Instantlink99) | Â |
Challenges/help needed? |
IT-service Team. Ambassador: Paul Free | |
Done | In progress |
 | setting up discourse (forum) to improve communication. (Paul) |
 | setting up and combining existing opensource tools for the upcoming beta foodsharing community in Rotterdam (research closly to be done, building process starts in some days in Rotterdam) (Paul) |
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Challenges/help needed? problems with setting nginx and docker on the same server to run discourse. (Paul) |
PR Team. Ambassador: Philip Engelbutzeder | |
Done | In progress |
Raphael had several TV and Radio interviews. | yunity philosophy |
Organizing the Synergy Hub WuppDays (7-27 July) in Rotterdam | Â |
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Challenges/help needed? video editing. video taking. answering of emails. |
Research Team. Ambassador: | |
Done | In progress |
 | building collaborative research strategy (Paul) |
 | metamap to understand, improve and use the network/resources more effective. (Paul) |
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Challenges/help needed?
Structure Team. Ambassador: | |
Done | In progress |
Channel for Scrum of Scrums: (Tilmann) | Collaborative decision finding (Paul) |
 | Proposal to change "Scrum of Scrums" to "yunity heartbeat" (Tilmann) visit #heartbeat to discuss |
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Challenges/help needed? |
FSINT Team. Ambassador: Janina Abels | |
Done | In progress |
setting up the 'build your community', 'sharing communities' and 'foodsaving international' pages and content files | completing the implementation of the guidelines subpage |
renewing contact to foodsharing Russia, Taiwan and Poland | creating a list of existing foodshaving initiatives, which then will be automatically displayed on a map |
trying to establish contact to foodsharing South Korea (no response yet) | copying the restructured German foodsharing Wiki in a dedicated space on our confluence, interlinking it accrodingly and adding missing pages |
 | collecting success stories of international foodsavers |
Challenges/help needed? In the beginning we decided to capitalize technical terms of foodsharing, but i doubt this decision now and there not longer is coherence in the spelling. |
Translation Team. Ambassador: Janina Abels | |
Done | In progress |
4 Core Points translation to Spanish | Italian translation of the website by a team managed by Veronica |
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Challenges/help needed? Nothing, since there's not a lot to do anyways. This will change as soon as the guidelines subpage will be published, because then we will need German, French and Spanish versions of that content, too! |
2. Notes during meeting
No meeting took place.
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