yunity heartbeat 2016-10-02

yunity heartbeat 2016-10-02

The yunity heartbeat - what people in yunity have done, what they are doing and what they need help with.



new logo proposals for a global foodsharing initiative that would still allow for local specifics (Luisa)
new logo incl. lettering (fritz holscher

In Progress

updating every yunity page on the internet to feature the current logo with the fade effect

Foodsharing/-saving International.


reconnecting to foodsharing Warsaw and finding out about the growing foodsharing Poland (Janina Abels)

In Progress

defining and finalizing the scope and content of the media kit (Tais RealJanina Abels)

getting more detailed info on foodsharing Copenhagen, foodsharing Taiwan and - hopefully - foodsharing Russia (Janina Abels)

Challenges/help needed

You are part or know of a foodsharing or -saving initiative outside the German-speaking realm? Please let us know!



setting up a discourse forum for yunity (Paul Free)

setting up a subreddit for yunity (Paul Free)

setting up https://medium.com/yunity (Paul Free)

Rework of yunity.org (Tilmann): new content on landing page, small additions to join-the-team page

In Progress

rethinking the content of the landing page of yunity.org, to make it more fitting to what yunity is actually working on right now

Project page: moving to the new wordpress page, made by Chrisi



Reviews of WuppBreak September 2016

In Progress

Planning the Hackathon in Berlin (Tais RealNick SellenTilmannPhilip EngelbutzederPaul Free)



finding out about the Polish gifting law, how it gives foodsharing Poland a hard time and ways to work around it. (Janina Abels)

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