yunity heartbeat, 2016-08-01

yunity heartbeat, 2016-08-01

The yunity heartbeat - what has each team done, what are they doing and what do they need help with.



Kirchheim Wuppdays attendance overview (Matthias Larisch)

Planning and invitation to WuppBreak September 2016 (Tilmann)



Development setup for foodsharing.de PHP server (Nick Sellen, Tilmann and Matthias Larisch)

Filtering, testing and cleanup of yunity-core (Tilmann)

More information in Scrum 31.7.2016



Move all blog post to the new translation system (Tilmann, Janina Abels)



Contacting of Jamie in Aberdeen to make Chemnitz property inquiries to owners (Douglas Webb)

In Progress

Capture learning from the Antonius experience so far (handling violence/conflict, bonding as humans, leadership, etc,etc) (Douglas Webb, Axel Kalitzki, Paul Free, Philip Engelbutzeder)

Challenges/help needed

Property! If you have property you can help support yunity with, let us know. Please see WuppHouse for information (Douglas Webb)
Figuring out how to accommodate the wide diversity of approaches within yunity towards a unified effort (Douglas Webb)



Introduction in free stores on OpenStreeMap (Tilmann)

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