Scrum of Scrums, 2016-06-20

Scrum of Scrums, 2016-06-20

People have been doing stuff in the last two weeks - yayyy! Read all about it.

1. Pre-meeting summary;


Product Team. Ambassador: Tilmann

DoneIn progress
Wireframes for new MVP proposalMVP proposal for FSINT usage
Challenges/help needed?

PR Team. Ambassador: Philip Engelbutzeder

DoneIn progress
Newsletter 06/2016; Invitation video Kirchheim; Video: A story of unconditional sharing; Blog-Post Kirchheimyunity philosophy
Challenges/help needed? E-Mailing, Outreach to other organisations.

Development Team. Ambassador: Tilmann

DoneIn progress
Frontend review by Nick and TilmannRefactoring of frontend for MVP proposal
Store API drafts 
Challenges/help needed?

IT-service Team. Ambassadors: Janina Abels, Tilmann

DoneIn progress
Updated the contributors pageFiguring out how to best put the guidelines-subpage online on yunity.org
Updated the mail template sent to new contributors with Slack infoSetting up wordpress for yunity.org
Put the new invitation video on the landing page 

Challenges/help needed? Groupware for yunity mails 

Legal Team. Ambassador: Douglas Webb

DoneIn progress
 Systemic consensus on how we should register.
 Implementing the CC0 licensing decision.
Challenges/help needed? Community education about different legal entities, transfer of ownership, etc, etc. Help with implementing CC0.

Research Team. Ambassador: Robert Werth

DoneIn progress
Create Social Media SurveyAnalyse Social Media Survey
Write LOIs for participation in scientific studiesAsk LimeSurvey for a free ComfortUpgrade
Challenges/help needed? Managing new applicants

Structure Team. Ambassador: Douglas Webb

DoneIn progress
Restarted Systemic consensusesGet business.konsensieren.eu and konsensieren.eu cleared
Integrate education modules into wiki
 Systemic consensus teaching materials.
Challenges/help needed? A couple of devs to help identify what kind of requirements are needed to code a new online systemic consensus tool. A couple of people who want to do some DIY in Darmstadt.

FSINT Team. Ambassador: Janina Abels

DoneIn progress

Indexed international people contacting foodsharing.de put onto the wiki (from international@lebensmittelretten.de inbox)

Finalizing the content of the guidelines-subpage
Wrote a mini manual on Fair-Share PointsWriting a howto for cooperation building and maintenance
Brought more life to the #fs-international channel on Slack 
Finally found the foodsharing font 
Challenges/help needed?

Translation Team. Ambassador: Janina Abels

DoneIn progress
Last two blogposts translated from English to GermanContent pages translation to Hungarian
Challenges/help needed?

2. Notes during meeting

 Present:  Joachim Thome, Janina Abels, Lucas Scheliga, Janina Abels, Chrisi, Douglas Webb
Douglas Webb
Location: Heichelheim, Rotterdam and somewhere in Austria (Jitsi)

A further meeting between Joachim Thome and Douglas Webb led to Doug getting some support with the implementing the licensing decision (CC0, make everything free). Not much more was discussed except a deeper understanding of team statuses... oh we're all being very productive!

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