yunity heartbeat 2016-12-11

The yunity heartbeat - what has each team done, what are they doing and what do they need help with.

Foodsaving Tool.

In the last heartbeat we showed you how much progress was already made with regards to the foodsaving tool. Now guess what? It is ready for testing!

This is, of course, a pretty arbitrarily set point in the development, because the tool is not really done, but then again, will it ever be? It will constantly be improved and expanded in the future as well, but from now on with the valuable feedback of actual foodsavers using it!

We already offered the tool to the foodsaving communities in Nantes, in Warsaw and to the rogue foodsavers of Magdeburg, who will hopefully provide us with insights on how to make it better and enhance its usability. More groups, like the ones in Taiwan, Copenhagen, Russia, Ankara (or yours..?) will probably follow. 

You want to check it out yourself? Then just go here, create an account and click around! 
Anything you notice, that confuses or disappoints you? Tell us in #foodsaving-tool-plan on Slack or send us a mail at! The mails will be received and read for sure, but we won't send out answers, since you can always come to our Slack if you want to have a chat... (wink)

You want to know all the nerdy details or are even ready to contribute to the further development of the tool yourself? Amazing! Then visit the project on githubjoin the team and talk to us in #foodsaving-tool and #foodsaving-tool-plan on Slack. Be sure that we'll welcome you with open arms! Especially now with more people actually giving feedback, there will be a lot to do, so we could really use some more motivated developers!

WuppHouse Bad Dürrenberg.

The first WuppHouse is the second big topic in yunity since more than a month now, and a lot is going on there as well! Sadly it's not all good news, but let's start with the nice stuff:

  • We installed a free phone and free wifi accessible from the train platform on the northern wall of the building
  • We received a huge amount of support from local people
  • We got featured multiple times in local media, be it another newspaper article, a short mention on Radio Brocken or the ten minute long radio interview with Philip Engelbutzeder, which is now transcribed as well (for the audio version have a look in the last heartbeat)
  • We made a video showing the progress until 16-11-30. Selina Camile and Lara Earthling charmingly show you the building and explain what already happened. It's in German but also full of visual impressions... (wink)
  • We arranged a bath night, fully equipped with a heatable bathtub, drinks and food, see picture below!

So you see we still move forward and know how to have a nice time in the ruins of the old train station in Bad Dürrenberg, but it's not all sunshine and roses...

Lara EarthlingAnna and Bodhi Neiser filmed three update videos about the big topics Bürgerdialog, inspection of the site together with a knowledgeable architect and the then following meeting of the present yuniteers to evaluate how to deal with the new information.

  1. First update - Bürgerdialog/talk with the citizens on December 3rd
  2. Second update - inspection of the site and feedback of an architect
  3. Third update - implications for the yuniteers living in Bad Dürrenberg now

As you can see, there are positive as well as negative aspects and the most dire information probably was that there would not be the realistic possibility to actually live inside the building somewhat healthily and comfortably anytime soon. 

That led to many people leaving - at least temporarily - and to some starting to look for different houses again. (Funnily some days later already a mail reached us stating that there will be a cool project making use of a whole Plattenbau north of Leipzig soon, and that they need people to populate the building. But this is just a side note for now... (smile))

So there are still yunity people living and wupping in Bad Dürrenberg and they plan on staying! We still have the huge support of local people and media. The building still offers great potential! So if you want to lend a hand, you can definitely still do so! (Maybe ask in #wupphouse_badue on Slack about the current situation before you come visit, just to make sure you'll directly find someone when you arrive.) But to assess for yourself how serious we still are about this opportunity, just read this:

Foodsharing/-saving Worldwide.


In Progress

  • Many of us are traveling still or again, be it Tilmann on his never-ending bike tour, partly accompanied by Janina AbelsTais Real and Nick Sellen hitchhiking through the UK or actually every single one of us who change their location now and then and almost always talk to people on the road about yunity and foodsaving. We spread the word and recruit people constantly!

Challenges/help needed

  • More outreach! More input! Moooore foodsavers are needed worldwide! xD



In Progress

  • Translation of the foodsaving tool to German, French and Polish (needs constant updating, because of ongoing development)

Challenges/help needed

  • You want to help us out with your translation skills? Well we can always find something to do for you, no worries! (wink)
    We just don't push anything here at the moment because priorities lie in different areas for now. But if you want to translate, just tell us in #translation on Slack!



  • The sister of Andreas Langecker has provided a nice logo for the foodsaving tool, which is more bright and playful as the first one:

In Progress

  • The main project page finally gets redesigned and the content updated! We've been wanting to do this for months now...
  • The new page for the train station in Bad Dürrenberg - - is growing steadily.

Challenges/help needed

Public Relations.


In Progress

  • Reworking the contributor's page on You think you belong on such a page? Then fill out the survey and you'll be included in about a month!
  • Creating content for
  • General updating and creating content for, like already mentioned in Design.

Challenges/help needed

  • Spreading the word about the WuppHouse
  • Organizing WuppDays XXL in Berlin (End of April, 3 weeks, location for 300 people is ready)
  • Co-organizing a summergathering together with Friederike Habermann & living utopia at the Fusion Festival area

About the heartbeat.

The heartbeat is a biweekly summary of what happens in yunity. It is meant to give an overview over our currents actions and topics.

When and how does it happen?

Every other weekend we collect information on a wiki page and publish it the following Monday as a wiki blog article.
Afterwards we add a nice abstract and share it on facebook.

Past heartbeats:

Blog Posts

How to contribute?

  • You need to have a wiki account and editor rights. Ask us in #confluence on Slack if you need help with that.
  • You find the template for the next heartbeat /wiki/spaces/ARCHIVE/pages/81264694.
  • Edit it as you see fit and add everything you did, that you see relevant to yunity!
  • Talk to us in #heartbeat on Slack about the content, the layout or any other heartbeat related issues and ideas!

To the extent possible under law, the yunity wiki contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the content of the yunity wiki. More information...

You have an account but can't edit or create pages? Write us in the open chatroom or in our yunity Slack!