User Profile

User Profile


Every user has its own unique user profile. It contains content from the user itself (name, pictures, description of self, posts) as well as content from others (trust ratings, posts).

The basic user profile is already there after signing up with name, email and password.






Stage 1 - Rotterdam Development Goals




Feature Set User Infos 1

  • U.2 As a user I want to view and edit my profile so that I can tell something about me (Trello Card)
  • EMail-Adress (obligatory) (visible just for user itself)
  • Nickname (obligatory) (visible for all published content, e.g. when user posts in an event, the nickname will be visible within that post) 
  • Profile Picture (optional)

Feature Set Connection

  • U.3 As a user I want to make a request to connect to another user so that I have an overview to whom I am connected. (Trello card)
  • U.4 As a user I want decline or accept a connection request from another user so that I can control to whom I am connected. (Trello card)
    - if the other user accepts the connection, then both are connected. If not, nothing happens

Stage 2 - MVP

Feature Set Foodsaving Requirements

  •  User can enter a Date of Birth (See https://trello.com/c/yPmAidee for maybe a requirement)
  • Legal name (required for contracts, ID cards, etc for Foodsaving or similar communities)

Feature Set Privacy 1

  • user can choose visibility of all his profile contents (one visibility that applies to all contents). Can be visible to: nobody (private), public, registered users, communities the user belongs to, connected users

Feature Set User Infos 2

A user profile has the following content:

  • Description text (optional) 
  • one main geo location (changeable, optional)
  • Form of address (male, female, neutral)

Feature Set User Details Change

Feature Set Privacy 2

  • privacy settings of user profile
    • user can choose visibility of all his profile contents (see below). Can be visible to: nobody (private), public, registered users, communities the user belongs to, connected users
    • profile contents: connections, pictures, posts on user wall, crowdsourcing & share module, trust elements, personal description, attending current past and upcoming events, communities I am member of



Stage 3 - Distant Goals

  • user can add multiple other locations
  • if a user is on a user profile and is not connected to the user, they see the connection they have to the user through common user (connections), pages, groups, communities

  • Crowdsourcing and Sharing visible on user profile
  • detailed privacy settings of user profile: 

visible for


nobody (private)public (also non-registered users)registered users

communities the user belongs to

connected usersmaybe later:
2nd and 3rd level connections

personal description

posts on user wall      
attending curent, past and upcoming events      
crowdsourcing & share module      
trust elements      
communities I am member of      
main / current location      

Feature Set Trust Module

trust infos of user are displayed

Feature Set Follower

  • every user can follow another user profile to get his updates (this has effects on the Feed)

Design Proposal

  • below the cover picture of the profile there is a menu bar with dynamic order according to activity and content:

    • wall (this is the startpage, is always first)
    • photos (pictures of the user or where the user is tagged in)
    • resources -> new site:
      • all items shown in category of symbols ☯ 8 | 📖 2 | 🔨 1 | 👚 5
        • extended view of all skills and resources I am currently patron of, all items which I set free, all item which I am willing to borrow or I am currently borrowing)
    • events (list of attending, upcoming events and attended events)



Topics to discuss

  • Locations
  • Recent activities
  • Photo tagging?

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