2016-09-13 Preparation I - Software, Transportation
Present: Tais Real, Anja Konhäuser, Zed Redstone fr4nk 0nf1r3, Arno Döpper, Paul Free, fritz holscher, Anna O'Neill, Janina Abels, Kaiser Mikato, Caro, Adrean Liegel, Chandi, Nick Sellen, Tilmann
Notary: Janina Abels
Facilitators: Tais Real, Janina Abels
Meeting starts: 11:20
Location: Neuried (Markt Indersdorf)
nick: we can also maybe take features out of the software we're creating atm, to make it more easily achievable.
curtis: we probably could make it work in two weeks, as soon as i also get my laptop in a workable state...
nick: true, it's not a crazy amount of work, but the work would need to be focused. also, getting something ready quick normally is not a great idea in the longer term.
arno: i would really prefer to do the tour with a tool, but i will travel anyways, so i'll do it with or without...
tais: if we go on tour without a tool, maybe we need to set our priorities differently.
chandi: imo the mvp-design is pretty usable. the basic functionalities are already done. where is the problem?
nick: well, not all the buttons are working... like for the chat..
chandi: let's just get rid of that.
nick: we should have a little meeting on which features are actually crucial later.
tais: is the software translatable?
tilmann: no.
nick: that is a huge functionality...
janina: what about creating a copy of the whole software and manually changing the strings? it's not like the tool contains a shitload of text...
nick: but then the developers would need to do it.
janina: i think i could do it if someone showed me how to do it.
nick: but a developer would need to do it.
janina: yes, once.
tais: it would be good to get developers more interested.
paul: i'm interested in having a setup of tools to offer to groups to help them self-organize. it does not directly relate to the foodsaving tool and is not even focused on foodsaving, but it could be somehow integrated with what you're developing now. if somebody else is interested in setting up an open source software environment for groups to use, just contact me and we can work on that.
short feedback round on software
anna: i really like to learn more about the dev side, because i know nothing about it. it was an interesting meeting for me.
paul: i liked to get an update on where the software is at right now, i didn't like the pinpong about the question if we go on without a software or not.
arno: i'm interested in helping the developers in the dev process, i'm interested in the minimalization meeting and I convinced a dev friend of mine to join next week.
tais: i like the attitude of people to just go on with their own skills, but i still don'z feel confident myself to do it like that and without any software. i think the pinpong is necessary.
fritz: was very nice hearing about the status of the tool, i'm looking forard to go wherever we're gonna go and do whatever we're gonna do.
janina: interested in minimalization meeting to get clarity on where the tool couls actually be at. i won't take minutes on fsint meetings again, it's really stressful.
nick: i enjoyed the meeting, my motivation got up.
hitchhiking with fun challenges
- silence
- nudity
- who shares tho most items?
- to get the driver to join the trip
- flixbus - axel, philip
- van - pia, janina2
- quicker but less sustainable, because we don't need to transport a lot of things
meeting ends at 12:30
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