2016-09-14 Preparation II - Media Kit

2016-09-14 Preparation II - Media Kit

Present: Arno DöpperTilmannTais Real,  Janina Abels
Notary/ies: Taïs
Location: Neuried, München

Open tasks:

  • transfer files from the googledrive (Tais Real)
  • convert foodsharing advertisement files to open source files so that we don't need Indesign. (Tilmann)
    UPDATE: not possible, InDesign to SVG export is horrible
  • make a presentation of ourselves for the tours, of yunity and fsint, good looking, clear


  • use the term Share Point instead of Fair-Share Point
  • organize the Media Kit on the Foodsaving Int. wiki space
  • general agreement on what the Media Kit should and will be (smile)

[Meeting begins: 12:00]


How do we organize this? Which categories?

Where do we organize it? On the wiki?

A media kit for who? Foodsavers? Main press and social media?

Use the logo or not? could get in trouble, but. If we share it with other communities they could get in trouble for it.

TB: foodsharing is so popular because the design is nice. We need people who design some easy graphics etc. for the press but we need to push them a bit.

TR: legal set-up and press material: not worth researching it ourselves, the communities should do things by themselves. We help them, we don't do it for them.

TB: then explain that for legal it might not be necessary to have a liability waiver etc.

TR: have a sort of "read me" file for each category where we explain stuff and which docs are there etc.

TR: Make it clear to communities we support that we want to share their files further as well. A sort of open-source media kit.

AD: foodshaving is actually quite a nice name. Funny and all.

JA: but we need to look serious for stores.

AD: are we actually going to call it fair-share points? There's a word play in German and not in English. Share-point better than Fair-share point. All agree, let's change it. Yey.

AD: we need a presentation of ourselves.

TR: could transform the presentation of foodsaving.int

AD: nicer with a hot looking presentation

How do we see in the near or far future? Keep other website organization?

TB: having different domains (paris.foodsaving.org) etc. is possible


Legal set-up/situation

Read me: Mention that it might not be necessary

- liability waivers

- signature : offer possibilities online. But it would need a check in person to be legally biding because identity can't be checked online.

- contracts with stores


- contacting stores (guide for foodsavers and direct template letters for stores)

- templates for pick-ups

- templates for stores that have been contactec


Read me : "Please call it however the fuck you want"

Talk about FB group.

- fair-share points

- redistribution invite / direct distribution / mobile sharepoint / temporary sharepoint / mobile distribution / meet&eat (although misleading)

Fun fun fun

- festivals

- events: disco soup, brunches, sharepoint party

- info desks in the city


- template flyers. Editable files would be MUCH BETTER. Convert foodsharing design files to open source files so that we don't need Indesign.

Distinguish the two things:

Media pile (collection of docs)

Media kit (guidelines page)

TR: The media pile would fit into the media kit, in the form of a dropdown menu : examples of liability waivers, etc.

TB: should adapt guidelines page to fit to these new developments

[Meeting ends: 13:00]

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