2016-09-12 Overview of destinations

2016-09-12 Overview of destinations

Present: Janina Abelsfritz holscherTilmannTais RealSelina Camile, Lara S., Paul FreeAnna O'Neill, Zed RedstoneArno Döpper

Notary: Selina S., Taïs R.

Facilitators: Taïs R., Janina A.
Location: Neuried, München


  • Make wiki page about possible destinations for the tours
  • Having a brainstorming session from the mind map
  • Contact Foodsharing Edinburgh to figure out what they're doing


1. Overview of the possible destinations

2. Preparation: the software, the contacts

3. Paul's Forum idea

[Meeting begins: 13:30]



LS: wants to go into more details within the mindmap, which is also planning

TR: suggests making a whole brainstorming session on this, after the overview and the preparation

JA: want to plan time and details

CM: logistical stuff has to plan first, coordination, creating path of the tour

AD: sure if we have all the same intention

PF: invitation of the meeting is about foodsharing international but not about the tour we dreamt of. If it's only about saving food, don't care if there is hierarchy. Suggests only positive criticism.

TR: strong objection. Without pointing out what's wrong we can't move on form our mistakes.


Marseille (Anna):

Anna is connected to nice communities there inc. Disco Soupe. Urban spaces available for some months. Many markets every day. Has to check the situation. Doesn't know a person that is particularly interested in starting Foodsharing. Still has to check the situation and the space, goes there end of September.


Arno going soon to Asturias. Small cities but will try to check out the situation and spread the idea in the two largest cities.

Curtis has some contacts in Barcelona, could be easy to implement it there


Taïs was there recently, Clément is motivated to try out the software. Five cooperating stores.


Dutch people which squat community. A lot of dumpster diving, active communities. Selina, Lara, Paul met people in the Climate Camp. They work with excel. 

Delft (Simon)

Simon is connected to yunity, tried to start a fb group there. AD: Not sure but think it didn't work out so well.


Running fine and smoothly, but could be great for using the tool if we implement their needs for it.

Curtis, Fritz and Axel want to visit the garbage project to integrate this.


making their own platform - not too aware of what's happening. Ask Jess Atkin (Anna has the contact)


FoodNotBombs and many movements - Anna met two people who were interested in starting foodsharing and connected them together

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Fenja (already on slack) there with many contacts and motivated


TR: See three situations:

  1. Existing foodsaving initiative already running with contact to yunity
  2. A motivated person or group of people who haven't started yet but have contacted yunity
    → some contacts are two years old
  3. A place with great potential for us to implement foodsharing ourselves and then delegate it to motivated people we find on the spot
    → a risk, because it might not been continued 
    PF: people should learn how to do it on their own

TR: Without having fixed priorities because we can split off as we wish, it makes sense to follow a 1-2-3 priority order, to first tackle communities that can test the tool, then the ones who've asked for our help, and only last places where it's possible to implement foodsaving ourselves.

The tool

TB: don't know exactly what the software is capable of right now.

CM: wants to empower people to become product managers

(to be continued)


LS: much better than yesterday because the intentions of the meeting were clearer

CM: went way better because we had a specific timeframe. Rituals at the start helped as well.

JA: felt productive. It's possible to integrate dreamers and planners, to do it together.

TR: productive overview, gave me more clarity than before when it seemed a too big topic.

TB: I will not attend for the meetings and rather focus on reading and writing. Want input on what you want to hear before the next meeting on preparation and the tool.

FH: much more synchronicity. Yesterday wasn't much respect in the meeting. We listened to each other better. Good direction. Look forward to tomorrow.

AD: liked the topic, beneficial to get an idea of what possibilities are out there

AO: feeling restless today. I liked the vibe. Different ideas which I hope can work together. My approach is doing.

[Meeting ends: 14:45]

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