2016-03-24 Talking about Scrum

2016-03-24 Talking about Scrum

Present: Nick S, Tess C, Doug W, Martin S, Curtis F, Anja K, Taïs R, Beata G, Elina
Notary/ies: Doug W, 
Location: Rotterdam

  • Martin as Product facilitator for this sprint.
  • Doug as Scrum facilitator.
  • Include non-feature tasks in Sprint backlog.
  • This sprint backlog to be held on Trello.
  • Non-product backlog for non-feautre tasks.
  • Sprint planning this afternoon.

  • Precisely how is the 'product ownership' decided? Who prioritizes the backlog? How do we reach decisions if a commitee? Clarify how the Product Owner works.
  • How do we get the best IT tool workflow?
  • How should we name the Process and 'Product Owner' and 'Scrum Master' roles within yunity?
  • How we gonn introduce new people?
  • How we will show the information.

[Minutes begin: 11:06]

DW: Introduces basic scrum
CF: In favour, thinks it could be awesome
NS: It's cool because it's self-referential. We have implemented modules, but not the whole framework.
TR: Who's the product owner?
  • DW: An issue for us. Scrum specifies one person, but that was developed for a commercial, stable place. 
  • CF: Hopefully we could decide as a group.
  • MS: Would be inteested in this role.
  • CF: One product owner per WuppDays? Could it work?
  • MS: I leave on the 3rd of April.
  • NS: We could have sprint planning just before you leave?
  • TC: Why do we actually need one?
  • NS: I have been paralysed in work before now because I don't know what to do
  • TR: I don't like the idea, it's not how we do things.
  • NS: I think we should try having one, or something. SysCon would be too slow for this.
  • TC: Single person helps to give a definitive answer. Could be more, but needs to be explicit and rapid.
  • MS: Product owner would serve the group
  • DW: Perhaps renaming product ownere to something else will convey the 'servant-leader' aspect.
  • NS: How about Product facilitator
  • TR: As long as disagreements can be resolved peacefully, would be good. Questions in backlog.
  • NS: Decision can be SysConned in the background.
  • MS: There is enough agreed material in the backlog to start doing stuff now.
  • BG: There are many specific examples which the larger community will not be equipped to make.
  • DW: Let's change Scrum master to Scrum facilitator
  • CF: Who will answer the questions *now*?
  • NS: (points to Martin)
  • NS: Re-emphasizes that the retrospective can change the whole process so we don't need to worry.
  • CF: I see that design and development are part of the same scrum team.
NS: Tasks not related to product: where to put non-feature tasks? Top answer from internet: include all related tasks in backlog. Or, have multiple backlog
  • MS: These tasks can be vital, let's include them however.
  • (Lots of talk on Waffle vs Trello)
  • DW: Most pressing question - how do we host this coming sprint backlog?
  • MS: This time, on Trello
  • NS: Can I add 'x' to 'y'
  • DW: If we're trying to be as close to pure Scrum as possible, just ask Tess and Curtis!
TR: Can write up product owner role...
NS: No design were here.

[Minutes end: 12:06]

MS: Really nice, impression that we can get started and that we have an agreed basis. Not worried because we can refine. Happy we started. Not completely sure how PO will work.
TC: First time I've had this kind of meeting - nothing to compare it to. Previously only done hobby programming. Just like to see how this will go over the next three weeks.
NS: Very happy and happy to have new devs. Optimistic to have some of this process. Metric: can I sit with my compouter and write some code. Right direction.
BG: Scrum looks cool and I hope it will be useful to move this forward. That the work of the of the Devs will be organised efficiently for them. I feel this will help to merge and focus.
EL: (No comment)
TR: It was good! (thumbs up)
CF: Useful meeting to get everyone on the same page to understand what the pieces are. This will clarify the process as it becomes implemented. Like the tension between getting things done and keeping it participatory and happy to find the blend. Get the loop going. 
DW: Excited.

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