In use
Black-transparent fade
You can download the vector version of the logo in different version (eps, svg and pdf + png) at this link logo-yunity-Orange+Black+White.zip
Provided by Manuele Carlini on #design on 2016-06-20
Orange-transparent fade
White-transparent fade
White-transparent fade on orange background
Created in 2016-09-08 by Nitram by request from Douglas Webb. Uses the most recent logo in white with transparent fading on a solid background of
Wiki Logo
Orange bright version
Website and blog since January 2016, created by Tilmann and Konrad Becker, inspired by Manuele Carlini and Manuel Waelder. For dark backgrounds, yunity_bright.svg
Orange dark version
Website and blog since January 2016, created by Tilmann and Konrad Becker, inspired by Manuele Carlini and Manuel Waelder. For bright backgrounds, yunity_dark.svg
White with orange background
Previously used in social media. Provided in #design on January/February 2016, created by Manuele Carlini. https://slack-files.com/T0B6WCFM5-F1JHDEH5H-2507d80c15
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