

A favicon is the small image displayed in the tab of a browser pane.

A useful trick for grabbing favicons from any web-page is to open a new tab with the following;



2016-02-18, favicon #2

Not everyone was happy with the first favicon, so to find a better one a SysCon with the question "Which favicon do we want do use on yunity.org?" was started on 2016-02-10 until 2016-02-18. The outcome of the vote was Further solutions.

The continuation of the SysCon on the question "Which favicon do we want do use on yunity.org?" was started on 2016-02-22 until 2016-03-10. 8 participants selected the Simple orange 'y' proposal with 42 % maximum resistance;

This is simply a lower case 'y' from the free harabara font (the temporary yunity font). The color of the 'y' is the same as currently on the website front page: #EE5732 and the background is completely transparent to blend in with the browser tab. There is a 5 % border at the top and the bottom...

Douglas Webb on Konsensieren, 2016-02-23

Since this proposal was selected with considerably high resistance, a reevaluation was scheduled for 2016-04-10.

Pre-2016-02-03, favicon #1

  With the announcement of the full yunity logo by the Design Team, Tilmann and Konrad Becker decided to minimise the logo to make a favicon;

We decided to take only a part of the logo (the y part) because the favicon is a square and it looks a bit odd, if only a tiny part of the favicon is filled with a small infinty [sic] sign. But i will set up a testpage where the full logo is implemented as favicon!

Konrad Becker on Trello, 2016-02-03

  File Modified

ZIP Archive 2016-03-10_harabara_font.zip

Mar 10, 2016 by Douglas Webb

File 2016-03-10_favicon_2.svg

Mar 10, 2016 by Douglas Webb

PNG File 2016-03-10_favicon_2_120px.png

Mar 10, 2016 by Douglas Webb

PNG File 2016-03-10_favicon_2_16px.png

Mar 10, 2016 by Douglas Webb

PNG File 2016-02-03_favicon_1.png

Mar 10, 2016 by Douglas Webb

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