Mini-Wuppdays in Chemnitz

Mini-Wuppdays in Chemnitz

Hello lovely yuniteers,

since fr4nk 0nf1r3 had the impression that there was a little gap in the planning of the next WuppDays, Anja Konhäuser and him are planning to host some people in October. So, for the people that don't know where to go till the WuppDays in Witzenausen in November and like to have a chill time in good old Karl-Marx-Stadt... you are officially invited to come by!



A lot of people are planning now to go to Saasen or stay in Berlin after the Hackathon, before everybody will hopefully meet up again in Witzenhausen.

Please also visit the slack channel to keep in touch.

Attendence sheet here


business as usual! (breites Grinsen)

running class - we can join the refugee running team

swimming - there's a pretty nice indoor pool


since summer is over I'm happy to spend more time in front of the computer - get into coding - finally see if that could be my cup of tea.


  • Anja's flat, 6 people max., 
    Südbahnstraße 8, 09111 Chemnitz (between city centre and uni) 
    (not available from 21st to 23rd oct.) 
    phone: 015123347465, amazing_anja on slack 
  • Frank's place, 3 people max.
  • kompott, housing project, shared with the HB6ers, 10-15 people maybe
    Leipziger Straße 3, 09113 Chemnitz
    They are fine with hosting us again, but need a rough timeframe as they also host bands and singers from time to time


  • Anja can host from 10th oct on, apart from 21st to 23rd oct., all in all until november
  • kompott could host immediately

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