2016-09-08 WuppHouse meeting
2016-09-08 WuppHouse meeting
Matthias Larisch
Owned by Matthias Larisch
Sept 11, 2016
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08.09.2016 at the trampoline
Attendancees: Doug, Bodhi, Axel, Matthias, Fritz, Arno, Anja, Karo, Joachim, Sophie, Lara, Paul, Selina, Max
Minutes: Matthias
Doug: Introduction, WuppHouse plans there for about a year now. Give you an update of what happened
Did legal research in german property law. Seems there is the need for an alternative form of holding a property.
Possibilities: https://yunity.atlassian.net/wiki/display/YUN/Gera+and+Weida (from Robert) There is a nice building, about to host 15 people for living right now, for sale for 95k euros for 18 months but not sold yet. Seems that we cannot get that without using money, exact conditions to be cleared.
The father of Robert (Dr. Robert) has a place in weida, 3 hektars of land with building permission (20 years old). Also the land is described as building land right now but that status can be revoked. Should have been a community place for 200 people but building has not started yet. Building permission can be revoked from this year on, is not clear if it will happen soon.
When we have a letter of intent (saying there are people wanting to start building soon) we will most probably retain the building permission.
We could get the land and building permission right now for 150k.
Other option: When building up that place for 200 people, it would be worth approx. 20 million euros. Giving shares in the value of 300k to Dr. Robert would also be suffice.
He seems not to have any monetric interest and his values seems to match ours - so this is to be seen as a security for him not being thrown out of the build community.
Berlin, 4hektars a person who wanted to build up a community
another person who wanted to squat lands and just build
another option in grenoble, people squatting a building and making it livable.
Doug: Interested in having a secured, legally obtained building
Joachim: Interested in building up a new village. (vegan, drug free, moneyless, on a coast, in the south)
But as Weida is available it's the most solid option at the moment.
Paul: Interested in building something also not for living but for building.
Axel: Interested in copying tilmanns place 10 times :)
Arno: Likes the idea of building something from the scratch but seems as way to much work/money involved.
Matthias: Wants a place that is ready to live in short term. Gera sounds perfect for short term, not good in mid-term as it may be too small quite fast. Want a place where we can start wupping soon. Having a smaller place available right now and (a connected group) building a bigger community in the same area sounds perfect. Also, there should be empty places available in Weida.
Karo: Relatived have a big house in czech republic. We may do wuppdays there :)
Arno: Grandmother has a very big property as well, near cologne (Hohlweide; 10-15 people)
(some more talk about money, running costs)
Paul: In contact with inspiral network and ambassy network. There is a person who has money, wants to buy a house and would like to share space.
Have another meeting tomorrow, regarding living in the housing and more (agenda tbd)
, multiple selections available,
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