Translation Team

Translation Team

Team Members

Janina A.

Gaby V. D.

Anja K.

Fenja J.

Team Statement

To make a social project like yunity accessible to people all around the world, language barriers need to be worked around. That's what the translation team is trying to do in a way that transports universal ideas and values in the varied frameworks different languages provide.


Translation of the various content created and used by the yunity team into multiple languages.

Example tasks

  • Translation of the website (including blogposts and content pages)
  • Proofreading of e.g. newsletter texts
  • Management of distant translation contributors



Useful links

 Slack Chat with us in the #translation channel.

trello16.jpg Trello Check out some tasks, but know that we don't use Trello regularly at the moment. 

Related content

To the extent possible under law, the yunity wiki contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the content of the yunity wiki. More information...

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