Foodsharing Glossary Translation
Democratic glossary
In order to come up with a consistent translating system despite a high number of volunteer translators taking part in the project, we have set up an English Glossary of the most important terms related to foodsharing. Certain terms were obvious, and others weren't; we decided to create an online survey about the difficult terms, and invited all English speakers familiar to foodsharing (from and translation applicants for yunity) to help us decide on about 10 of the definitive terms.
The poll took place for about three weeks in January, 2016, on SurveyMonkey, and despite a rather low participation rate, the results have been taken into account to create the definitive version of the foodsharing English Glossary.
The glossary
This is the file in its final version, as all translators should be using from now on (05/02/2016) for further translations into English
Spelling standard: American English
We will not publish abbreviations. Ambassadors, Store Coordinator, etc. can feel free to use some abbreviations but as it can be confusing for new members, we won’t put in on the Wiki.
Certain foodsharing terms should be consistently capitalized, such as Store Coordinator, Ambassador, Key Account Manager, Store, etc.
Ambassador | Person who coordinates all activities (Foodsavers meetings, Fair-Share Points, events, press, participating Stores, etc.) within a certain area (region/city or country). |
association | An association is a voluntary coalition of people for the purpose of working towards a specific goal over a long period of time - in our case it is reducing food waste. Foodsharing is itself an association, registered under foodsharing e. V., in which ‘e. V.’ stands for ‘eingetragener Verein’ which in English means ‘registered association’ |
baked goods | Baked food made from cereals or cereal products |
best before date, BBD | The BBD indicates the date until which an item of food can be consumed without considerable changes in taste or quality and possible health risks. It is not to be confused with a use-by date. Some BBD products need to be refrigerated without interruption. For a short period of 30 to 60 minutes it is allowed to deviate from the given temperature but only with a maximum difference of 3°C. For example, food that needs to be stored at a temperature of -18° is allowed to be transported at a temperature of -15°, food that needs to be stored at a temperature of 5° is allowed to be transported at a temperature of 8° etc. |
business chain | Commercial entity comprising more than two Stores. Chains and the Stores within them are only to be approached after consultation with the Key Account Manager who is responsible for this Business Chain. |
dairy products | Dairy products and other food that need to be refrigerated in order to be preserved. |
Food-Share Point | A place where people can deliver and pick up food free of charge (including people who aren’t registered on foodsharing/ Was formerly translated as Fair-Share Point. |
food | Everything that can serve to feed humans. |
Food Basket | Food items that are offered online for free. Ideally they are picked up by another Foodsharer or Foodsaver who has gotten in touch beforehand with the one that offered the Food Basket. |
Foodsaver | Person who carries out pick-ups at participating Stores. Plural: Foodsavers |
food saving | Saving food, by whatever means, from being wasted. |
Foodsharer | Person who offers or collects Food Baskets privately, uses Fair-Share Points and has the opportunity to become a Foodsaver after successfully completing a quiz. |
Online platform where the foodsharing movement is facilitated. Food Baskets can be offered and received, and it enables the mapping and organization of the entire foodsharing movement in the German speaking countries ( | |
frozen food | Food that needs to stay frozen at all times before consumption. |
greenhorn | A newbie (identified by the green cucumber on their profile) - a person who is new to the platform and needs the members’ support because they are currently in the introductory phase. |
inedible food | Food that is obviously spoiled or possibly not edible anymore and therefore is not fit to be passed on to others. |
Key Account Manager | A member of foodsharing, who talks to business chains on the management level and tranports information between the chain and the Foodsavers who pick up food at its branches. |
The online platform which coordinates the cooperating Stores and all associated activities of the foodsharing voluntary network. It merged with foodsharing in December 2014 and is nowadays accessed via | |
legal agreement | An agreement all Foodsavers need to accept. It ensures as a waiver the safety of the Stores to not be held accountable for possible negative consequences of distributing expired food, but the Foodsaver. It varies between countries. |
movement | The foodsharing movement (as opposed to the platform), which consists not only of the members of the platform, but everybody who thinks of him/herself as part of the fight against food waste. |
Orgateam | People who are involved in the organization and coordination of the platform, on a national and international level. |
Pick-up rate | The Pick-up rate is visible in each member’s profile and reflects the reliability of the Foodsaver. The Pick-up rate sinks when a Foodsaver doesn’t show up for a Pick-up that he or she was signed up for. |
Pick-up time | The appointed time at which the Foodsaver makes a Pick-up from a store. |
platform | The foodsharing online platform (as opposed to the movement), which provides the digital infrastructure to easily manage organized food saving. |
quiz | To become a Foodsaver, a Store Coordinator or an Ambassador, the relevant quiz needs to be passed. |
store | Stores are the cooperating businesses where Foodsavers can pick up food. They can be bakeries, shops selling fruit and vegetables, branches of supermarkets, farmer’s markets, restaurants, canteens, cafes, catering companies, wholesalers, farmers, etc. |
Store Coordinator | The person responsible for coordinating all activity concerning a specific Store on |
store management | The person or team that run(s) a Store commercially (not a part of foodsharing). |
Store Page | Page on where all necessary information about a Store can shared and all necessary agreements can be made. Everything on the page is visible to the Foodsavers of that Store and its Ambassadors. |
Training Pick-ups | After successfully completing the Foodsaver’s quiz, up to three Training Pick-ups will be carried out where any remaining questions can be answered and to make sure the rules of conduct are complied with. |
Trust Banana | Every user is entitled to award one “Trust Banana” apiece to his or her fellow Foodsavers. This digital token should only be awarded to people you trust and who stick to the rules. |
use-by date | Since food that bears a use-by date is easily perishable, it can pose a risk to human health after a short period of time (e.g. minced meat, raw poultry). Food that has expired its use-by date can still be picked up at Stores, but should never be distributed. |
violation | A misconduct from a Foodsharer/Foodsaver (not showing up on time, not showing up at all, selling saved food, etc.) that needs to be reported on the platform |
working groups | There are several working groups. One example is the Wiki Group which takes care of updating and improving the Wiki texts. There are groups to which everyone can apply to be a member as well as closed groups, where an invitation is required (for example the Orgateam). Every group has a certain task and one or more main contact people, who supervise, run and organize the workflow. |
International translations of the term 'foodsharing'
(already in use)
Korean: 음식공유
Taiwanese Chinese: 食物共享
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