Wolfen (30km north of Leipzig)

Wolfen (30km north of Leipzig)

Because we had already purchased a ticket for the group anyways (after visiting the houses in Wurzen), we decided to further use it and have a look at the opportunity in Wolfen as well.

In Wolfen Nord there is a big area of  Plattenbauten. They have been recently renovated, are mainly disused and many are supposed to be taken down. There is an emerging intentional community called Herzensgemeinschaft (heart community) that wants to build an eco village there.They want to start with a community garden and would like to build mud houses and other eco village style stuff.

It was a bit bad weather when we got there and the atmosphere was quite sad. Some of us had a bad feeling there. The whole quarter is pretty run down and bleak, but we imagined it to be like that.

There is one house which the community would get for free and in which we also could live while other things are being built around. It is contains many apartments reachable though windowless hallways.

We think Wolfen is quite interesting for a long term project and some people are definitely interested to bring in the yunity spirit of sharing, saving and moneylessness/very reduced consumption. It is definitely more rural, with kind of a village flair, agriculture perspectives and possibilities to create everything from scratch and build it how one wants it, when a lot of work is put in. We keep in contact with the progress of the project and the group.

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