This time there is a video made by Selina Camile and Lara Earthling.
They got a little bit carried away and filmed it in German.
Topics featured in the video:
- The free phone and free wifi on the outer wall of the WuppHouse
- The post box
- The new entrance on the side of the building, including a bell
- The new workshop
- A room, that is really clean
- One room that was completely full with rubble and is empty now (Quote: "You can see the floor!")
- More floor that is actually walkable
- Light in the staircase, that leads to the living quarters
- The living quarters have a door now
- Light in the hallway of the living quarters
- Paul Free and Philip Engelbutzeder, who are getting ready to visit the mayor
- The nicely sorted food storage room with running water
- The comfortably furnished living room
- Central place for important keys
- Storage room (the former separee)
- Sleeping room with more cupboards and clothes
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